March-April Fic Wrap-Up

Apr 30, 2009 01:34

Apparently I never did one of these for March, so this'll be a two-month deal. I'm kind of surprised how much there is here, considering the pervasive feeling that school has devoured my life whole.

March-April Fic

Crack Broom Recs (Snupin)
I really enjoy Crack Broom. Especially now that I've got some sort of a system so that I'm not scrambling at the last minute. All the Snupin recs over there can be found here. Considering I maxed out my rec options (8 fic, 2 art, 1 vid), I'll just give the very basics here. For the full recs, and loads of other Snupin recs, check out the link above.

And actually, I didn't do a list like this for January's crossover recs, so I think I'll toss that in, too. For the full recs on these and others, click here.

Crack Broom Recs (Crossover)
  • Willow Tree Burning by houses_on_fire (HP/BtVS, Snape/Willow, Willow/Draco, NC-17, 153,000 words)
  • The Lost Boy by lady_moriel (HP/Dr. Who, Teddy and 10th Doctor, PG, 2120 words)
  • Time Shall Not Mend by A.J. Hall (HP/Vorkosigan saga, Miles/Ekaterin, Draco/Neville, R, 62,000 words)
  • Pain and Magic by violet_quill (HP/House, Snape-House, PG-13, 3400 words)
  • Salix Catharsis by maebynot (HP/BtVS, Hermione/Oz, G, 5500 words)
  • And Now for Something Completely Different by ubiquirk (HP/BtVS, Willow/Luna, G, 850 words
  • Strength by quinn__ (HP/BtVS, Xander-Harry friendship, PG, 3500 words)
  • All the Things She Said by SleepyPatty (HP/BtVS, Willow/Hermione, PG-13, vid)

  • Award Stuff

    Voting is open at the Sunny-D Awards. There's some great fic over there, so go check it out! And I'm very pleased to be among the nominees. Thanks so much to whomever nominated Marked Men for Best Book Crossover Pairing and Best Unconventional Pairing and Plantus Interruptus for Best Comedy and Best Quickie, and congrats to all the other nominees!

    Also, nominations are still being taken at the Kinda Gay Awards for BtVS femslash. Many thanks to whomever nommed A Very Foolish Kitty for Most Heart-Wrenching and Best Willow Characterization and Not So You'd Notice for Best Future. And again, congrats to all my fellow nominees!

    Fic To-Do List
    • Keep up with the birthday drabbles and ficlets.
    • Finish off longer birthday fics still outstanding from last year.
    • Finish off Turbulence.
    • Write something to submit for the lupin_snape Chocolate & Asphodel v.2 project. (Due 6/30, I believe.)
    • Write part three of what has become the Marked Men trilogy for summer_of_giles. (Due 7/29.)
    • Other misc. back burner stuff.

    Yeah, that should keep me busy for awhile. If I get really nuts, I might try playing in the Lusty Month of May on pervy_werewolf, though I doubt I'll complete any of the tiers.

hg/rl, fanfic writing, crack broom, harry potter, fanfic rec, buffy, slash, btvs-hp xover, fanvid rec, fanart rec, ss/hg exchange, ss/rl, writing, het, ofic, award nomination, firefly, fic wrap-up, ss/hg, genfic, rg/ss, ripper/youngde!severus, ss/ofc, crossover

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