Another interview

Sep 06, 2008 14:58

This time from savine_snape. I'm still working on questions for those who requested them. If anybody else wants to be interviewed, say so here.

1) Do you have a particular room, music or location that helps when you write?

Yes and no. I often write in my "computer room," but sometimes the lure of the 'net interferes and I have to go elsewhere. That often means grabbing a notebook (not my laptop, actual paper) and getting out of the apartment, usually to someplace I can sit and have coffee and write. But sometimes stuff just shows up in my head and I end up writing at the most ridiculous times and in the most ridiculous places. For example, I have bits of dialogue and such in the margins of some of my class notes.

2) Which six people, real, fictional, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party?

Me? Dinner party?

Okay, working on some suspension of disbelief first. *concentrates really hard* Okay.

Siddhārtha Gautama, aka the Buddha. There are a lot of things about Buddhism that resonate with me, but I have issues with the Buddha himself. Being able to have a conversation about them would probably be a good thing.

Mother Teresa. Seriously, I would love to talk with her about how she confronted that much suffering so continuously without becoming jaded and hardened, what her struggles were, and how she worked through them.

Lois McMaster Bujold. Favorite author. Need I say more? And I'm having entirely too much fun imagining the conversations between her and the first two.

(Had a brief moment of wanting to sit my old creative writing prof next to her, so that she could learn a thing or two about sf/f and, for that matter, romance writing. But I wouldn't want to do that to LMB.)

Better still, Miles Vorkosigan and his mother, Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan. Especially Cordelia. I want to just sit back and watch as she gets into everybody else's head at the table.

One more? Okay, well to even things up, both by sex and by real/fictional, and because there was no way he wouldn't be invited, Severus Snape. Assuming it was possible to get him talking at all, I think it would be fascinating to observe him engaging with all of the above folks. And he'd either give Cordelia a run for her money or get some much-needed insight rammed (gently) down his throat.

3) Which Fictional character do you think you are most like?

Hermione Granger. Seriously. Heavy-duty bookworm. Need to bite my tongue and/or sit on my hand in class to keep from blurting out answers to every question. Utterly out of control mane of hair. Always wanting to make things right when it looks like someone's getting the shaft and sometimes needing to be reined in.

4) What would your last meal be?

There would be chocolate and lots of it. Other than that, I'm not sure I care. LOL

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

My dream home would be somewhere woodsy with a fair bit of land. Enough for good-sized veggie and herb gardens and possibly even a mini-orchard. Lately I'm itching for Maine, for some reason, but more likely someplace in Southern New England. I like having the full range of seasons, for all that I bitch about the heat and cold at their worst. And I miss growing at least some of my own food. Seriously, I wish that giant maple out back would just thin out a bit. It's great that it keeps the house from getting the worst of the afternoon sun, but it sucks that I can't have my garden anymore because there's utterly no light whatsoever back there.

Your results:
You are Deanna Troi
Deanna Troi
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Will Riker
Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Beverly Crusher
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Geordi LaForge
Mr. Scott
Mr. Sulu

You are a caring and loving individual.
You understand people's emotions and
you are able to comfort and counsel them.

Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character are you?" quiz...

I should probably try to get a bit of homework done and then some writing. However, at the moment it seems more likely that I'll end up taking a nap first.

It's somewhat amusing watching the utterly conflicting attitudes about the imminent arrival of the remains of Hanna.


"Meh, we're getting some rain. Might get a bit windy." is emailing tropical wind warnings every 10 minutes. People seem to think "buying bottled water" means picking up a six-pack of Poland Springs. *head spins*

It's not like we never get hurricane/tropical storm leftovers. It's also not like we don't have to know how to get ready for blizzards rather more often. Other than the cold-and-snow-specific stuff, it's not all that different, since the common theme is "power will very likely go out, at least for awhile." But yet there are these two extremes of cluelessness.

In other news, I set a new record for myself at Curves today. The Smart system says I burned 406 calories in my 30 minute workout. W00t! I was psyched Thursday when I passed 350 for the first time. Muscles still seem to be fatiguing a bit too fast, mostly leg muscles, and taking for-fricking-ever to stretch properly, but definitely getting better.

Yeah. Nap sounds like a good idea.

meme, fitness, weather, fibro

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