I was amused to see Ethan of Athos listed as an example of
literary mpreg in a post I found via
metafandom. The Left Hand of Darkness (which also made the list) was the closest I could have come to naming one, and even then, it's not really the same thing when the species in question is ambisexual, though it is hard to argue with the sentence, "The king was pregnant."
Rarely do I remember my dreams, but when I do, they're either ridiculously mundane (and I wake up thinking I've already paid my bills for the month) or they're freakign doozies. I can only imagine that this one was brought on by anxiety over my impending first mammogram and random A & P factoids running around in my back-brain. Not enough factoids, though.
Really, if I'm trying to use my breasts to take digital pictures, but am instead getting milk on the subjects of said pictures, you'd think that even in a dream I could figure out that neither a) the lack of a viewfinder nor b) the fact I've never had enough progesterone or estrogen running around in my body to be able to lactate is the primary problem with this scenario! But yet these were the things I decided were impeding my progress. Can't recall what I was trying to take pictures of though. Little objects on a table. Also have no idea where I was supposed to be able to see the pictures, though it was very clear that they were supposed to be digital. *shrugs*
Started Curves on Friday for a 30-day trial of sorts. It's closer to home than the fitness center, where I haven't gone for classes of any kind in ages, so we'll see if that works to get and keep me moving on a regular basis. I'm not entirely sold on the 30-seconds-per-station thing in terms of actual toning/strengthening, but it sure does a) get the heart rate up and b) *not* aggravate my fibro at all so far. As I've been known to push myself into flares by getting "bitten by the iron bug," that's a definite plus. I will need to figure out how to get to one at some point while I'm in Dallas, as the trial thing involves participating in a study, which means I agreed to go for a minimum of three times a week during those 30 days. I hope there's one close enough by that it doesn't eat into any of the days too much. I should do a post on
portus_sshg to see if anybody else who's going does the Curves thing.
elfwreck posted a link on her IJ to a Google vid of a lecture from a law professor called
Don't Talk to the Police. There's another, from the police officer he invited to present his side,
here. Good stuff, though it left me wondering who I'd call in that situation. The nice old lawyer in town who I used to pour coffee for when I worked at the diner? Not sure he even does criminal law, but I guess that'd be a start. It'd be nice if I ever followed up on the one conversation we ever had about legal stuff and went to get Patsfan's and my healthcare directives done up for that matter.
I have a feeling there was other stuff I meant to write, but I'm fried. I'm sure it would have been riveting. (You can stop rolling your eyes now.)