Title: Flowers of Spring
Prompt: Spring
Characters: Jayne and River (This is not a Rayne drabble, just some funny fun)
Word Count: 100 (According to Microsoft Word)
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss! Bow down you lowly creature!
Rating: G
Author's note: Sorry for the double post, couldn't post this earlier (as I had orginally planned) but better late than never! Yes, I'm traveling over foreign lands. First Zoe, now Jayne, who knows what the future holds for me! LOL Enjoy! And apology to
faithfulriver26, I couldn't explain why he's Summer (the season, not the actress lol) in this drabble, that I'll have to e-mail you lol And special thanks to my darling beta
gwenfrewi72 for reading this, telling me it was okay and picking a title for me. Mew!
Flowers of Spring
They were on a Spring infested planet and it annoyed the hell out of Jayne.
He didn't get what they were all cheery about when they hadn’t had a decent job for weeks.
He was forced to go to their little picnic to get his hands on some food, but seeing River stuffing flowers inside some bags was starting to damage his calm.
Once they went inside, Jayne got into his bunk and came out yelling, "GORRAM IT! CRAZY!?"
River peeked into the bunk passageway from the galley grinning mischievously, "Jayne is a girl's name and looks pretty with flowers."
*giggle fit* Comments anyone? I know, my River is seriously deranged.