Title: Fall & Spring
Prompt: Spring
Characters: Zoe and River (Mainly Zoe, DEFINITELY NOT A 'SHIP POST)
Word Count: 100 (According to Microsoft Word)
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss! Bow down you lowly creature!
Rating: G
Spoiler Warning: SET AFTER THE BDM (The movie guys, the movie)
Author's note: I was trying not to fall asleep, again, so I remembered a question from my wonderful friend
faithfulriver26, when she commented on my previous Spring drabble so I decided to answer her through this one, hope it works! It's my first time writing for anyone other than River and Mal, so be gentle!
Fall & Spring
The crew was taking a break on a peaceful looking planet, but Zoe stayed inside. She had heard Kaylee talking about fields of Spring flowers, but it felt like Fall to her.
She had been a like tree once; alive with green, but now that tree had lost its leaves.
She was lying on the lonely bed when she heard her come, "River? You lose something?"
River was crawling on the floor, only her eyes were visible as she pulled out a bouquet of flowers similar to those of his shirts, "Spring is here. The leaves all soar for you."
I wonder if anyone understood River's cryptic message lol Anyway, I wrote one for Jayne too, too clear up the other question made by the darling
faithfulriver26, but I get off work soon so that one you'll need to wait for :) Hope this was okay!