Thanksgiving weekend

Dec 02, 2003 10:34

So, taking month-end off yesterday was a bad idea. I'm currently sitting at my desk SURROUNDED by paperwork. This paperwork is seperated into 13 piles, one for each principal that I run bills for. The Oxford pickle & Smuckers piles are huge. Even the Jennie-O pile is looking pretty ugly and that scares me because each one takes 9 years. Today is not looking like a happy day in the world of Beth. But yesterday was so worth taking off so I don't regret it. And I currently have at least 1 sick day and 3 vacation days left to take. (I'm sorry Kristine, I'm not trying to rub it in, I swear.)

This long weekend was pretty awesome. Thanksgiving with Steve's family was a lot of fun..his family is cool and his cousin Ricky is a teacher at Burncoat High and was giving me some pointers about getting my foot in the door. Really good, non-Greek food. Things were good. That night we went to the Lucky Dog to see Trey's band play. Trey's girlfriend, stone sober told me WAY more than I needed to know about their sex life. Ok kids, seriously, she has a friend who has a dark room so for Christmas she's making a calendar of herself. WHAT??? Where the hell do you think he's going to hang that?? In his apartment? With his roommate looking at it?? How freaking weird.

Friday we headed down to Providence. I wanted to leave early, Steve and I took showers at like 11 and then he convinced me that we should take a nap. We had only been awake for like, an hour..but we took a nap. Didn't get to Providence till around 4. Did some laundry, went to the most amazing sushi place on Wickendon Street in Providence and then went to the Fuel concert at Lupo' was awesome. At the concert this girl that had been in line in front of us ended up sitting in the balcony right next to us with her boyfriend. At one point she went to get up and go get a drink and we heard her scream and fall to the ground..we turn around and she's vomiting. Security takes her away. Her boyfriend is gone for literally two minutes and then COMES BACK. And he sat for the entire concert. Steve was livid. He was like "if you fell down and started puking, I don't care how embarrased I may be I would stay with you and make sure you were ok..." the kid was trash. It was actually disturbing to watch.

But other than that it was a wicked good night. Saturday we woke up, mom made us breakfast, we did some laundry, ran some errands and walked around the mall where we accomplished nothing. Got back to Worcester, stopped at his parents house and picked up his Christmas village. We spent Saturday night putting up the Christmas village on top of our entertainment center/bookcase, put up Christmas lights and we went to Christmas Tree Shops and bought ornaments and fun stuff. And then I got happy/weepy about how he was sharing his Christmas village with me and we got mushy and.....

Sunday we did nothing. There was us and there was a couch and there was football and there was wine. (Yes, our apartment now features 10 bottles of different types of wine because Steve wanted to find one he likes. It's kind of funny.) We were both fat and happy and warm and did nothing all day and it was phenomenal.

And then we both took yesterday off, Steve because he had a doctor's appointment for his messed up shoulder and me because I decided that I have a ton of vacation time and didn't want to go. So I ran errands, I found Steve fake snow for his village, I went to the dollar store (because I'm cheap) for wrapping paper/tags/bows/tape and then went grocery shopping and everyone would be so proud...I cooked for hours yesterday. I made lasagna, american chop suey and Avgolemeno Soup (has anyone else ever had this? It's a greek soup with chicken stock and eggs and lemon juice and then I threw in pastene and came out awesome, I'm so proud)
And then last night I had a wonderful, chill time at Mahoney's with Goots & AM & Steven. And the snow this morning was a huge disappointment and Route 9 was a parking lot and I had to clear off my car in a skirt because Steve said he'd do it for me and then forgot. (Thanks sweetie!)

And Steve asked me for a rounded figure of how much I spent on him for Christmas and with the digital camera, the Celtics tickets & the random other crap it actually comes to like $700 (stupid stupid stupid..I know but at least this year I can pay my bills...unlike last year....) So I obviously couldn't tell him $700. So I told him $400. And that seemed to go over ok. He's going to be mad at me. But the way I figure it is that last Valentines Day we had only been together for 3 months and he bought me the $600 bracelet and an entire day at the spa which must have cost like $200 so I'm not doing anything that he hasn't done before.

At any rate it's too much money. Ok, I HAVE to get some shit done.

work, steve, concert

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