(no subject)

Nov 26, 2003 10:52

It’s been over a year since I’ve written in this thing and some might wonder what sparked the sudden return to LJ.

Boredom. The only reason I’m doing this is that I am bored at work. Some days are ok and I can glean together enough to keep me occupied. Other days, like today, need something else to keep me interested. However, maybe it’s just because it’s the day before a 4 day weekend that I’m so antsy…but at any rate…

Let’s backup. Where am I now? What am I doing with myself? Here, let me tell you about it…because again, I AM that bored.

The last time I wrote was right before Senior Year started. That is going back way too far and I think I can sum it up quickly. 1st semester, AnneMarie and I were drunk all the time. It was almost ridiculous and I spent more money then I had and started what would later become a very daunting credit card bill. Wednesday nights at Tammany became a ritual and it was there that I met Steve.

2nd semester I was a student teacher. Which pretty much blew. I was asleep by like 7:00. Steve moved in with Jenna in January taking over Carlos’ old room and while that seemed like a good idea at the time it turned out not to be as my sleeping there and breathing the air was apparently a problem. Then there was the double-charging of bills and all this bullshit and then in March Steve and I were talking about what would happen when I graduated in May and had to move home and he said that we should just move in together. So we started the apartment hunt, found an affordable apartment complex in Shrewsbury and moved in, but not without some serious bitching and threats from Jenna who was apparently saving for a house in VT and was pissed at having to shoulder the entire rent for her own apartment, as if that was our problem after the way she treated him. (No, I’m not pissed about that whole situation at all..why do you ask?)

The apartment is great, we’re still living there and living together has been mostly wonderful. We have a pretty good situation going where if I don’t have to touch the vacuum, he doesn’t have to touch the dishes. Which works out pretty well for me. It’s pretty big, it’s warm, it’s cozy and life is good. Steve’s great, our relationship is mostly stable and I’ve never been so happy in my entire life…

Shocking, huh?

After graduation I was granted a teaching license but there were really no jobs within a reasonable radius of Shrewsbury so I got a job in Natick at The Market Dynamics Group as a Business Administrator which basically translates to Accounts Payable. It’s retarded. Seriously. Absolutly stupid. Our lease is up in March and after we’ve moved I’m putting in some serious effort to get a teaching job for next school year. I can’t deal with this cubicle shit. (I exaggerate, the job’s not THAT bad I guess…)

So that’s where we are right now. I’m working at a slightly sucky job, Steve & I are wonderful which is more important and things are good. The family is mostly ok, grandparents on my mothers side are not doing so hot but I think they’ll be ok.

Celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow with Steve’s family and then on Friday we’re heading down to Providence to chill with some of my family and go to the Fuel/Revis concert at Lupo’s. Also on tap is a Providence Bruins game, A Christmas Carol at Trinity Rep and who knows what else…

Ok kids, back to work…I’m sure I’ll be posting more often now that the ball is rolling..and whats cool is that even if no one reads it, at least it gives me something to do.

work, steve

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