(no subject)

Mar 14, 2002 16:59

Brenden obviously doesn't understand how these survey things are bad for me. I'm an addict. Thanks a lot Brenden. It's your fault if I don't finish my homework now

1::Full Name: Bethany Anne-Michaela Bader
2::Name Backwards: redaB aleahciM-ennA ynahteB
3::Does your name mean anything?: I guess it?s like House of God or something...
4::Were you named after anyone?: Nope
5::Nick Name(s): Beth, Pixie, Twizzler, The BJG (in full effect!!), Princess, Brat, Crayola, Dirty (thanks Amy Deshaies and Robbie), Porn Star, Fraggle,
6::Screen Name(s): firefly062
7::Date Of Birth: 6/20/81
8::Place of Birth: Providence,RI
9::Nationality: French and Italian
10::Current Location: Wachusett 202.
11::Sign: Gemini-Social Butterfly of the Zodiac
12::Religion: non-practicing Roman Catholic
13::Height: 5'3''
14::Weight: 118
15::Shoe Size: 7
16::Hair color: brownish...
17::Eye color: Blue
18::What do you look like?: I look like my mom and apparently Elijah Wood. Who knows.
19::Innie or Outie?: Innie.
20::Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Righty.
21::Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Straight.

Who Is Your...
22::Closest friend(s): Cassie, Josh Brown, Kerrin, Goots, Bob, Anne-Marie, Chuck, Lora,
23::Best friend you trust more than anyone: Goots.
24::Best friends {your sex}: Didn't I already write this?
26::Best Bud(s): Again. See above.
27::Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Not at the moment
28::Crush: I've got a thing for a hot freshman boy in Nault who smokes butts, and I can't stop thinking about Kerrin?s friend Cip
29::Parent(s): John and Pam.
30::Worst Enemy: Please, please. There are just so many...noone gets "Worst" they're all equally bad.
31::Favorite on-line Guy(s): Albert Plantilla from CA!
32::Favorite on-line Girl(s): Cassie, Goots, Kerrin
33::Funniest friend: Goots
34::Craziest friend: Kerrin..no question
35::Advice Friend: strangely it's Josh Brown and Bob...
36::Loudest Friend: Josh Brown
37::Person you cry with: I try not to making crying a habit.

Do You Have...
38::Any sisters: Yup, Cassie...16 turning 17 in two weeks! AHHH!
39::Any brothers: Joe, 29
40::Any pets: My MOTHER has pets. We have a bunny and two birds and we're currently babysitting my brother's two disgusting snakes
41::A Disease: Raynaud's disease and possibly cancer, to be determined in two weeks, on my sister's birthday
42::A Pager: I went through about 10 in high school
43::A Personal phone number: Nope,. no desire to have a cell..
44::A leather jacket with studs on it?: um. no. I do have a leather jacket that I don't wear much though
45::A heroin needle: um, no.
46::A Pool or hot tub: nope
47::A Car: yup..my baby...the '89 Camry

Describe Your...
48::Personality: Outgoing, I make my own friends, I'll tell you exactly how something is...I don't waste my time on bullshit and don't expect others to expect me to.
49::Driving: 1 speeding ticket that I cried my way out of and when I first got my liscence I backed into a Taurus. since then I've been fine and no, I don't care what anyone else says, I am a good driver.
50::Car or one you want: I want a convertible something...I'm a big fan of the Sebring.
51::Room: Me, Jess and a lot of crap..but since I came back from Italy I have a lot less crap..
52::Shoes: Sneakers- Sketchers Shoes- Mudd, I'm not really a name brand chick I just buy what I like
53::School: Assumption College...yeah. whatever,
54::Bed: I love my bed.Me and my bed have a very special relationship.
55::Relationship with your parent(s): My dad drives me insane but he means well. My mother is exactly like me and just wishes I would get a job :o)

Do You...
56::Believe in yourself: Absolutly
57::Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not really.
58::Consider yourself a good listener: I think so, and I give decent advice too.
59::Consider yourself a good friend: To those who deserve it.
60::Get Along with your parents: Most of the time
61::Save your e-mail conversations: not really.
62::Pray: Nope
63::Believe in reincarnation: Nope
64::Like to make fun of people: If they deserve it. Hey, sometimes a joke is just waiting to happen
65::Like to talk on the phone: Sure if the person on the other end can hold up their side of the conversation..I don't like talking to myself

Do you...
67::Like to drive: yup
68::Get motion sickness: Only when my dad is driving
69::Eat the stems of broccoli: Sure
70::Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: No..why would I?
71::Dream in color: Yep.
72::Type with your fingers on home row: yup
73::Sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes

What Is/Are/Was...
74::Right next to you: my printer and a crate of binders
75::On the walls of your room: I had no motivation to decorate so the only things that are up are Jess's
76::On your mouse pad: I don't have one
77::Your dream car: Again, Chrysler Sebring
78::Your dream date: It doesn?t matter what we do..it's the person that counts
79::Your dream honeymoon spot: Italia
80::Your dream husband/wife: someone chill..no one specific in mind at the moment
81::Your bedtime: Whenever I get sleepy
82::Under your bed: Two drawers full of sweatshirts...I might have a complex
83::The single most important question: Do you like who you are?
84::Your bad time of the day: The time when you realize that you are extremely exhausted and still have 2 hours of work to do
85::Your worst fear(s): Waking up one morning and and finding out that my sister's gone.... Big dogs, elevators (I almost always take the stairs), Being alone..(not like for a few minutes or even a few days but the feeling that no one understands where you're coming from or that no one has any type of deep feelings for you at all.) Knowing that despite the fact that you've done everything you can, nothing is going to change
86::The weather is like: sunny and sort of warm
87::The time? 5 pm
88::The date? March 14
89::The best trick you ever played on someone: I really don?t know
90::The weirdest food or drink that you like: Sex on the Beaches, Vanilla Smirnoff and Coke
91::Theme Song: Walker, Texas Ranger
92::The hardest thing about growing up: Dealing with other people's shit when you have your own
93::Your funnest experience: Almost any moment with Goots
94::Your scariest moment: being in the trunk on the way to Lupo's in high school, When I was almost abducted in Italy
95::The silliest thing you've said: Le Moyne, Des Moisne..what the hells the difference
96::The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex? Any random club activity
97::The craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): Any moment with Kerrin after the club..randomness is our middle names
98::The worst feeling in the world: Noted above
99::The best feeling in the world: Doing the best you can and accomplishing something that you put at high value


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