It's true, we're all a little insane...

Mar 02, 2007 17:40

*SCREAMS* *rubs face*

....okay, sorry for my momentary outburst of insanity. I think I am going to go insane, seriously...I badly need a break from all my damn schoolwork. College is getting a little overwhelming, I am a little behind on my online course (over a month due for my oral and monthly call), I hate highschool, and there is so much going on now in band since we have festival in two weeks. Arg...I need time to breathe. Or am I just making a big deal out of things? I dont know...I think my mom thinks I am. Whatever.

So anyways, we had Orchestra MPA this past weekend. Our performance was amazing. But unfortunately we got an overall Excellent. We got a Superior in sight-reading though, hehe. I was a little dissapointed, I really thought we were going to get a Superior overall, but the judges were insanely tough this year, they even supossedly gave Satellite an Excellent, and they are like one of the top music programs in Brevard. But nonetheless, I was proud of our Symphonic Orchestra.

So then this past  Wed. I had pre-fest at Eau Gallie for Concert MPA. We perform and the band directors (and some other music ppl) who are listening in the back give us comments to tell us what to improve on by the time of festival. Our performace was sooo good! I didn't like my solo much, but then again I am never satisfied with how I sound. The people who were listening said that it was pretty. We heard just one recording of one of the songs we performed and I was amazed at how we sounded, lol. Hopefully Monday we get to hear the rest. Today we also recieved the comments the people left on us. Of course the freaking oboe had to be singled out in the last song we played. They said I was going flat in my low register notes, haha, and that I thought I was pretty in tune. Its crazy the kind of ears these ppl have on them, lol. But anyways, I am kind of nervous for MPA, I really hope we get a Superior. Our band directors and us deserve it.

Ugh...and I have a mid term on Tuesday, I think I am gonna fail it. We covered so much in World Religions, bleh. Okay, so I am gonna go and work on my online course, I am boring you guys with my not-so-entertaining life.

Oh but if you like the show House, look under the cut! :) I love House and Hugh Laurie is amazing! Hehe.

I feel like a horrible House fan. I haven't been able to catch the new episodes, only some. I really REALLY want to buy the seasons on DVD. But anyways, I was searching on Youtube, and found these hilarious bloopers, maybe you've seen them maybe you haven't, but I thought I share. They are from the 2nd season. Enjoy. :)

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