Good-bye, Mr. Arneson

Apr 10, 2009 23:16

By now, most people have probably heard that Dave Arneson, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons has passed away. I was fortunate enough to meet him once, when he was a guest at a D&D day hosted by the Source Comics and Games. He was gracious and friendly, with a twinkle in his eyes. He was kind enough to autograph my 3.5 Player's Handbook, and gave a couple of my dice what he referred to as "the ceremonial bald head rub." And after that, my dice developed a quirk. At the time, I was running a human fighter character with a Keen bastard sword. And ever since the ceremonial head rub, we'd get monsters or enemy NPCs below 10 hit points...and that's when I'd roll the massive critical hit. The other players started calling it "Miri's Splattering Blast." I'm only sorry that I never got to tell Dave Arneson about that - I think he'd have enjoyed it.

So - for that and for all of the hours of enjoyment I've had, and will have - thank you, Mr. Arneson. Safe journey to you.
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