I can be positive too

Apr 07, 2009 16:55

So, lots of Fandom Drama yesterday with one side claiming to be the victim of hate and using that as an excuse to hate and vilify another side, which gave the other side proof that they are in fact the real victims.  It would have been funny except the whole thing managed to imply that the KKK is as harmless as fangurls and the people they have terrorized, raped and murdered have suffered nothing more traumatic than reading about how someone doesn’t like their favorite actress.  Again it would be funny except that people have been terrorized, raped and murdered and that shouldn’t be trivialized.

But  ladydreamer  asked for positive posts today. simplytoopretty  and
iliana_1  have posted happy meme’s.  I thought I’d add to the positive, but in a sort of different way.
I don’t want to be mad.  I don’t want to pretend I’m an icon victim.  I want to celebrate my fandom and the people I like in it.

So today I present to you…

My Favorite Cloiser


If I wasn’t at work… and if I could do vids, I’d take the opening credits of The Odd Couple and I’d put a Chlark icon over Felix’s head and a Clois icon over Oscar’s and that could be Chris and mine’s theme song.  (Although I have a feeling we both identify more with Oscar, but maybe I’m wrong and she sees herself as Felix.  I just thought I’d give her Oscar if she wanted him.)

Chris loves her ship.  She loves, loves, LOVES Clois and she isn’t afraid to say it.  She likes to squee and get all excited about it.  She has a banner at the top of her journal that will make your eyes burn.  (She’ll say it’s because it’s hot.  I’ll say it’s because it hurts to look at.)  She’s unapologetic in her love for her ship, but doesn’t have a problem with other people not loving it.  She’s very tolerant of other’s ship preference.  (She’s much more tolerant of mine than I am of hers.)  She will read fic and look at manips of other ships and she’ll leave nice, enthusiastic comments because in the end it isn’t important who you ship.  What’s important is that


I agree with her wholeheartedly on this.  I’d like him to get naked with a tiny blonde, she’d prefer he get naked with a tall brunette, but the critical part is that he’s not wearing clothes.  We have a great time looking at wrong, wrong, dirty wrong manips and she has encouraged me to try a few of my own.  (There are others who also like the wrong, wrong, dirty wrong manips, but I won’t “out” them here.  You guys know who you are and I love you too.)

I have a feeling that Chris is several people’s Favorite Cloiser.  She’s got lots of Chlarkers and Clana fans on her flist.  (Although, not many Clexers.  What’s up with that, Chris?)  Recently she’s started screencapping and she’s always thoughtful enough to send me the pretty Chlark caps… as well as the ones where Clark’s ass looks really good.

When I want to get self-righteous and judge all Cloisers based on the actions of a few, I remember Chris and think to myself ‘You don’t know all the Cloisers, Fb.  And the ones you do know can be a lot of fun. Decide on an individual basis who you like and who you don’t like.  I wonder if Chris has any caps from Eternal where it looks like Clark is coming.’

So thank you chrisluvstommy   for being My Favorite Cloiser.

friends, fandom

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