Dwelling in possiblility...

Nov 19, 2004 17:20

Anything can happen.  Not all older (seniors, grad students) attractive guys have to be married, engaged, or even dating someone... Even if everyone thinks they're hot.  I'm gonna keep telling myself that and I don't want to find out any different.  I want all the cute little touches and big smiles and conversations to be for more than just the nice guy factor.  I have a crush...  and not only because he's hot.

Ok, completely different subject.  This was completely crazy.  I went to Old Navy yesterday (not unusual) and tried on lots of clearance stuff (still not the unusual part).  The dressing room attendant was a boy (this is where it starts).  Surprised me a little, because I've only seen girls in Mt. P's Old Navy.  Then I think... hey he's cute... then I think... he looks familiar...  I smile, he takes my clothes in the dressing room, I do my thing, and come back out.

Boy: So you're in the sports medicine program? (he looked at my shirt)

Me: Uh huh, well, I'm in 283 (last class before the program, when I apply for the program)

Boy: I'm a 4th semester (means he has been accepted into the program for 4 semesters, he's a senior)

(blah blah blah random talking about program and such)

Boy: But you look familiar, and I know I haven't met you up here...

Me: Where are you from?

Boy: JACKSON (wow me too in case you didn't know!)

Me: with a big smile... What school did you go to?

Boy: East Jackson (so that doesn't help because our schools aren't in the same conference or anything, don't associate much)

Me: I went to Western

Boy: How do I know you?

Me: Did you ever have physical therapy? (yeah i know, wierd question, but most of the people I've met in Jackson I've met at ORS, and a little lightbulb clicks on in my head)

Boy: yeah....

Me: I worked at Orthopaedic Rehab this summer...

Boy: Well I did volunteer hours there a few years ago

Me: So you were probably there when I was a patient.

Boy: Yeah that's it.

(Blah blah blah more talking about ORS and athletic training) Then I go find more clothes, and come back, and talk to him about working at Old Navy and such.  His name is Nate, and I have figured out that he was definitly there volunteering with my physical therapist while I was in physical therapy.  I can remember him being there, and remember meeting him and talking to him 3 years ago.  The fact that he remembers me shocks me, because I never think I make an impression on people.  So I'm excited that I met someone from Jackson, in the athletic training program, that I have connections with!  And that I think is cute of course... Everyone's telling me I should have gotten his number or email or something for him to help me study... Missed the chance yesterday, but believe me I will be back at Old Navy, I can't stay away.

I'm getting new glasses!!!  I went for an eye exam and ordered them yesterday :) My glasses and I have been through a lot.  I have had these for at least 4 years.  They have saved my eyes from the fire and from flying staple-gun parts.  It is definitly time for retirement.

We signed our lease for next year today!  Lexington Ridge, Z6, with Sara and Jenni from my life group, Sara's roommate Nikki, and an empty room!  We may get someone to fill it, but if not, we'll just use it for something random.  I claimed the downstairs room, so I get my own bathroom (well to share with visitors and people who need the shower).  I'm so excited, we're already planning our weekly dinners and fun stuff that we will do, and who's going to bring what, etc.  P.S. If anyone wants to live in Lexington next year, I can take you to check it out, and if I go with you to sign your lease, I get paid!  So if you're thinking about it, I can set up an appointment for you...
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