Jun 13, 2007 20:01
Just because I'm a graduate doesn't mean I can't do this anymore.
From today's Maureen Dowd column about the Sopranos finale:
"After references in three shows to Yeats’s “The Second Coming” - the last allusion to the rough beast slouching toward Bethlehem by A.J. at the diner table in the final scene - the least Mr. Chase could have dished up was some “mere anarchy.”
Surely, after eight years with this family, we deserved some revelation better than “Life goes on. ... Or not.”
The only revelation was that Mr. Chase and James Gandolfini are keeping their options open for a Sopranos movie. Leon Wieseltier, the literary editor of The New Republic and a Sopranos aficionado who liked the might-or-might-not ending, tells me I made too much of the foreshadowing of the Yeats poem.
“It’s overused to express unhappiness,” he said. “If you’re at a restaurant and you want linguine and they only have manicotti, we’re slouching toward Bethlehem.” "
Mr. Wieseltier--the answer is no. Just no.