Jun 13, 2007 12:56
1. I moved to New York City with John. We're in a really fun Dominican neighborhood in Inwood (northern tip of Manhattan). I think we're the only white people for a few blocks. All the signs are bilingual or in Spanish.
2. John is going to start working for Aflac as soon as he passes the insurance certification exam. And yes, we get a duck, that when you squeeze it, it says 'AFLAC!'
3. I'm working at a fancy chocolate shop on Park Avenue. There's not much to say except that it's awesome.
5. We have a kitty, as of yesterday! Her name is Lily--for Lily von Shtupp, from Blazing Saddles. She's a year old, super tiny, with grey stripes. She was a Brooklyn stray so we like to pretend she has a Brooklyn accent. At the shelter we meant to get a kitten, but she strolled right up and put her head in our laps. She's currently investigating every inch of the apartment with her cute cute cute little pink nose.
6. We have just about all of our furniture. On Sunday we did a massive Ikea run--ok. Never, ever, go to Ikea if you can help it. There's a corner of hell that resembles that labyrinth.
7. We have internets and tv, as of today. That's two small steps for college graduates, two giant leaps for bourgeois glory.