Wheeeee, Post-Christmas Joy

Dec 26, 2007 09:05

You know what made my day? My little brother's friends coming into my room, glancing at my bookshelf and going "HOLY CRAP, VERGIL!!!" very, very loudly. XD Not even 'DEVIL MAY CRY!" but "VEEERGGGGILLL!" I would have adopted them on the spot if I had the choice.

So I'm pretty sure I went through my first official 'try to set Sophie up with someone' party yesterday. My family and I were hosting a Christmas party (and we were being Asian and made plates upon plates of dumplings) and a senior in college came with his parents apparently because they told him "We know you don't want to go with us anywhere anymore but there's going to be a pretty girl there and you should come." Hence, he did. =________=;; My parents kind of hinted at what was going on and I was catching the vibe half way through the party. One of my best friends was there and she agreed that it was very, very awkward the whole time. Plus he was a total frat boy and got drunk within an hour. *rolls eyes* Nice kid, but no, thanks. If I was going to spontaneously meet ANY guy, it would not be at a party with forty Asians trying to play the Wii and drinking rice wine.

On the bright side, we made pina colada's from raw pineapple and coconut, but something ended up failing in the middle of it and at the end, we kind of gave up and added tons and tons of sugar to get the taste right. (And we didn't have rum so we added Asian white rice. ^^; Man, it tasted funky.) Ah well, at least we had fun!

Now I'm off to go work at the daycare again. Am only going to work for a few days, I think, and it's my Mom's version of getting me to wake up before noon on a vacation. XD


BY THE WAY, FOR ANYONE THAT'S ASIAN OR JUST ENJOYS ETHNIC JOKES, YOU MUST WATCH RUSSELL PETERS!! He's an Indian comedian who does amazing accents of almost anyone and makes tons and tons of ethnic jokes. You'll love him even if you're not Asian in any way, shape, or form. XD He performs both in Asia and North America and he is loved everywhere. (Just don't take offense, please.)

"White people, please beat your kids. D8"
- I <3 this one like nothing else.
Indian Accent - Ahahaha, this is just awesome.
"Be a man! Do da right thing!" - My friends imitate this one all the time. XD Yay for skimpy Chinese people!
Whole World's Amixing - WE WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
African Names - PRICELESS.
Gay Indians - I love his dad. XD
....And there's tons more if you just look on the side of Youtube.

And a complete random, stupid, but still hysterical one if those aren't enough: Chris Rock's "How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police"

lol, random, devil may cry, boys, videos, life, vacation

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