I definitely think I'm PMSing, which is bad 'cause my period just ended a few days ago. Wtf.
I'm pissed at my brother. Yet again. He's cracking jokes like "Man, if I don't get into a good college, I'm going to go into the military." The military is fine and all, but it's annoying me that he's aiming for his Plan B instead of his Plan A. He's only THIRTEEN. I have a feeling he's already giving up on school, which is crap 'cause a, it's only middle school and everything gets harder from then on, and b, I know he's smarter than his grades say he is. Lately, all he's been doing is the stereotypical teenage activity of ignoring his homework for the internet and it's been kicking his ass, since (I think) we just found out he didn't get into any Honor classes for 9th grade.
Now, stereotypical Asian beliefs aside, this would be fine for me if I knew he tried his hardest. BUT HE HASN'T. Instead, he's been wasting all his time on the internet and texting people (went over the limit yet again on his new $200 phone =_=). I know every kid nowadays goes through a point in their life where they realized "Oh shit, the internet is ruining my ability to do well in school!" (I know I did) and that he hasn't gone through that phase yet, but with the competition from the high school that he's going into (and that I graduated from), he's already at a disadvantage.
My roommate, who was also the youngest kid of her family and also struggled through middle school, told me that he's probably extremely unmotivated due to the fact that I like academics and that he's surrounded by friends that are very, very gifted.
That's what makes me worry for him.
Everyone's got SOME talent, right? We haven't found his yet, and it's scaring both me and my parents. He's not good at the arts and he's mediocre at the cello (despite the fact that he refuses to drop it even though he doesn't practice. What a bloody waste of money. =_=) He's not really good at sports, but he's DECENT at swimming (only 'cause we're paying a ton of money for his training). He's not great at school, and while he's not failing, getting C's in middle school math is probably a bad thing.
He says he wants to be a businessman when he grows up, but that requires WORK in high school and getting into a decent college. @___@;;
I don't know. I'm just frustrated and I know he's unmotivated is due to a number of problems, like being raised in the States by very Chinese parents and having an older sister who is a complete geek and liked doing well in school. He's more social than I ever was so that's another problem because his teenage life is already filled with more drama than mine was at his age. Also, the fact that I'm not there to act as a mediator between him and my parents is probably not helping.
I just tried venting on two of my suitemates and they both gave me weird looks. I think it's 'cause I'm starting to sound like my parents and they think that we're trying to force my brother into being something he's not. @___@;; BUT I KNOW HE CAN DO BETTER. ARRG.
Ugh. This is the second time in two days that I've felt irrationally angry about nothing much in particular. I wonder if something's just wrong with me.