So. More on Murphy's Law and how it applies to cosplay. NOTHING ever turns out the way you want it to. =___=
Both black wigs came in almost on the same day. One... doesn't really look much like either character. After I straightened it, though, I noticed that the bangs were shorter but spikier, and it looks kind of Mustang-y, so I guess the wig decided itself. (I still have to trim the sides, bangs always have the longest "sideburns" for some reason. And they always stick out! UGH.)
The other one... just irritates me. The bangs are DECENTLY long for Hei but they're not... poofy enough. There's still not enough hair there, or at least, not enough for my liking. This wig's not nearly as sparse as the old one used to be, thank god, but still. I'm anal. Trimming wise, I don't have to do much to it, but something about the bangs bugs me. It just doesn't look very... Hei-like.
I'm thinking of wefting it in, but I've never wefted before and I really, REALLY don't want to spend much more money on these wigs. =_=;;;; What to do? D:
Man, you should've seen me half an hour ago. I've had a really long week, I just danced for two hours after five hours in the lab, and after finding that neither wig looked nearly as good as I wanted them to, I was so ready to just throw the damn things in the closet and sleep on it. Even looking at them right now pisses me off.
I think I'll feel better after I get my haircut. My hair really doesn't fit under a wig cap (or even in a ponytail 'cause it's weighing itself down) so it probably makes the wigs look weirder than they really do.
And I'm probably going to remake Hei's mask yet a third time. There's just way too much to sand off and I'm just not patient enough. *crosses fingers* Third times the charm, right? ._. Also, NOTE TO SELF: CUT THE BLOODY EYE HOLES BEFORE THE THING DRIES. >___<;