1.) Are you really ready for 100 questions?
Why not, I'm waiting for my dinner to cool down before I eat it.
2) Was your last relationship a mistake?
3) Do you believe in God?
Yes. (Clarification: agnostic. I don't really have a legit religion.)
4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?
Mommy. :3
5) Do you regret it?
No. O_o
6) Have you ever been depressed?
Very occasionally, yes. Severely depressed though? Nah. I'm a happy child. XD
7) Do you have a best friend?
One? No. ^^; I have a few and I would cry if I had to pick between them.
8) Are you a boy or girl?
9) What is your relationship status?
Single. W00t!
10) How do you want to die?
Peacefully, quietly in my sleep. Or underwater, because for some reason I'm very comfortable with water. No, really.
11) What did you last eat?
2 seconds ago, was testing my soup.
12) When was your last non-physical fight?
With my brother, probably a few days ago.
13) Do you have an attitude?
Sometimes? I doubt it though, I don't have a huge backbone. XD
14) Ever been in love?
Very briefly, yes.
15) What is your real name?
16) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Two, yes.
17) Do you miss someone?
18) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
Twirl. (Whoa, people cut their pasta? O_o)
19) Do you tan a lot?
I tan gradually but it can be quite a considerable amount.
20) Have any pets?
I used to have tons of fishies but I think they've outlived their life, so nope.
21) How exactly are you feeling?
Dreading studying for Genetics class, of which I have a low C in.
22) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
TONS OF TIMES! (Though not when I, myself, am driving because I'm not THAT confident about myself.)
23) Ever made out in the bathroom?
24) Would you take any of your exes back?
My only ex, yes.
25) Are you scared of spiders?
Dislike them, but I respect them enough not to kill them. I hate mosquitoes more. ;A;
26) Would you go back in time if you could?
Yes! I would LOVE to see ancient Egypt, if only for a few seconds! ^^
27) Do you regret anything in your past?
28) What are your plans for this weekend?
Work/study my ass off.
29) Do you want to have kids?
Yes. :3
30) Ever kissed somebody that name starts with an M?
31) Do you type fast?
You betcha.
32) Do you have piercings?
33) Want any more?
Nah, I'm good.
34) Can you spell well?
Pretty well, though when I'm excited, that's a different story altogether.
35) Do you miss anyone from your past?
Many, many people.
36) What are you craving right now?
A smoothie.
37) Ever been to a bonfire party?
Kind of, but not the spontaneous kind. At various beaches for various vacations, yes.
38) Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! ^___^ I love horses!
39) Kissed someone in a truck?
No. I don't think I've even been in a truck since I was old enough to kiss anyone. ._.;;
40) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Yes. Unfortunately. :-/
41) Have you ever been cheated on?
I highly doubt it. O_o;;
42) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
43) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
Yeah, of course. XD
44) What should you be doing?
Studying. No, really. I have five hours to cram for a class I'm dying in. << >>;
45) What's irritating you right now?
Worrying about finals and papers.
46) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?
Yes, actually. Just earlier this year.
47) Does somebody love you besides family?
I... don't know. D:
48) What is your favorite color?
Red and blue.
49) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Oh yeah. XD I'm Chinese, that's like, normal. My mom insists on doing it instead of doing the normal thing of finding a legit bathroom.
50) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?
51) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
A wonderful one, yes. ^^
52) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
I highly, highly doubt it, that was nearly six years ago.
53) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My suitemates.
54) Do you give out second chances too easily?
Hell no. I hate having my trust broken. Though I may act very, very pleasant anyways, the person will just never know that I haven't forgiven them.
55) Is it easier to forgive or forget?
56) Is this year the best year of your life?
57) What was your child hood nicknames?
A Chinese term meaning "young lamb".
58) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
Oh god, that's terrifying. No! XD
59) Do you think you're a good person?
For the most part, yes. Some other parts... meh.
60) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
No, I don't tend to think about things like fate.
61) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Studied for Virology.
62) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? Who?
Rafael, a German kid I was crushing on last year. I have never, ever fallen so hard for someone and had it returned, but he had to go back to German. ;_;
63) What is bothering you?
64) Have you ever been out of state province?
Wasn't even born here. XD
65) Are you listening to music right now?
Yep. "Ghost Love Score" from Nightwish.
66) Do you like Chinese food?
Hahahaha, I AM Chinese, I love it!
67) Do you know your fathers b-day?
I totally thought I did and I called him on it, but apparently it was six days earlier 'cause he has two (one for the lunar calender). =_=;
68) Are you afraid of the dark?
Sometimes, yes.
69) Is cheating ever okay?
70) Are you mean?
Sometimes. Especially to my little brother. XD
71) Can you keep white shoes clean?
No. I failed miserably with a new pair of white boots that are only three days ago.
72) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?
Not really.
73) Do you believe in true love?
74) Do you like the outside?
I do, I just don't make enough of an effort to enjoy it.
75) Are you currently bored?
Actually, no, just procrastinating.
76) Do you wanna get married?
77) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
I would get creeped out, since I'm not dating anyone.
78) Are you hungry?
79) Do you have a bank account?
80) What makes you happy?
Anime, fandoms, drawing, dancing, cosplay.
81) Would you change your name?
Yes, I've been trying to legally change it to Sophie for years. =_=
82) Ever been to Alaska?
I WANT TO, but no. D:
83) Do you watch the news?
More like reading it on the web.
84) What's your zodiac sign?
85) Do you like Subway?
Not anymore. Quiznos all the way!
86) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
More like random and spontaneous, yes. XD
87) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
This is ACTUALLY happening. I'll say no, because as much as I love the kid, he's practically my brother.
88) Do you like your friends?
I love them~
89) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
Hahahahaha, yeah. Funny stories usually result.
90) Who is the last guy you talked to?
My Virology teacher.
91) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Yes. I don't like smokers and I don't want to lose someone to lung cancer and/or smoking.
92) What's going on between you and your best friend?
Sometimes I just want to kill him for having no common sense and being a helpless baby that needs me to do everything for him.
93) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My suitemate down the hall, we vent to each other a lot.
94) Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
95) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos?
They're fascinating to see, but not on myself.
96) What do you wear more: jeans, sweats, or shorts?
97) You're a Sharpie marker, what colour are you?
Ooooh, I love red sharpies. 8D
98) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
99) Have you ever said you'd never love again?
100) Do you want to please everyone?
I do try. ^^; Sometimes, that tendency gets me into trouble.
Well, that killed 10 mins. *SIGH* Off to study again.