Jun 14, 2008 10:47
Things I like:
-Harry Potter
-making things
-my flute
-sunny days
-being paid in a timely manner for services rendered
Things I do NOT like:
-not being paid in a timely manner
-being given ridiculous excuses for why I've not been paid
-disorganization at the administrative level
-places that can't hold onto an employee for more than a few months
I played a St. Patrick's Day gig at the nursing home where my dad is the medical director and where my grandfather spent his last months. This place doesn't have a good track record with paying people (once they managed to not pay my dad for an entire YEAR, which wasn't caught until later because he was moving his practice). So I've called them once or twice to remind them to pay me, at which point I was told it'd be taken care of. Well, yesterday I decided the only way the money was going to get to me would be to call them up and give them an ultimatum.
Well, turns out that the woman who was the new Activities Director, who hired me and who had my invoice and information, quit that job not too long after, and the woman I talked to on the phone claimed they "didn't have [my] invoice or info anymore." Now, what's wrong with this picture? 1. The invoice and info should have been passed to the money people. 2. Just because someone quits does not mean you get rid of everything they have in their desk. 3. MY DAD IS THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR- I don't like to pull that card, but he's the easiest way to get my information. He gave it to them in the first place!
It boggles my mind how stupid these people are. I told the woman that if I didn't have a check in my hands by next Friday, I was going to come down there and I would not leave until they gave it to me. She said the admin was on vacation and would be back Tuesday, at which point she'd see if he would sign a handwritten check. I got his name, gave her my phone number again, and told her that if they need my info, to please ask my Dad for it, since he's down there a lot anyway.
I am also going to write a letter to the company who runs this place. It took me four months to get a check for a gig in September, which I am pretty sure didn't even go through because it was too old....they "didn't have my address to mail it to me or my phone number to call me." GOD.