It's great to revisit older movies. Or at least, movies that you grew up with. Tonight's case is "A Bug's Life". Despite more technically proficient movies from Pixar having come out it still has the undeniable charm that comes with it.
Also on that note, anyone that enjoys or enjoyed animation, wether it be anime, or just the classic Hanna Barbara cartoons should look here: at a countdown of the top 100 animated series of all time.
Life is going great, relationshipwise. It seems Josh and I have a mutual understanding of what we both want (after all this time). Now all I need is more money and a better position at NFM and I'll be like Al Pacino, happy as a clam.
Pop Quiz, just for the hell of it. For my next game to play constantly, shall it be Final Fantasy X or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic?
Just to warn everyone, I'm drafting a little tirade, no, more like public service announcement to vent about a certain breed of customer I get.