Jan 21, 2009 09:10
Isn't it interesting how even if two people are doing the same thing (say, working together) how we all have a different perspective on everything from how water tastes to if Tim Burton is a genius or just crazy.
Its even stranger that when someone looks at a stranger, they may look very well presented, shoes may be polished, the tie has a perfect cinch in it, but how he may actually be strapped for cash and its that cup of coffee every morning that keeps him going.
I like to think that I have learned about this in the hardest way: falling for someone who is in such a position, and then finding out they are little more than myself with a better dressing.
Just a thought I have today.
Making use of some of my pto today. Going to bellevue to have my car looked at. Lately, its been overheating a lot, oil needed changing, and the check engine light was on. Brought it in to sears to get the oil changed, but somehow, they failed to reset my in-dash computer, and they didn't even give me a sticker to proclaim when my next service should be. So, to bellevue I go since there's a meineke there that I swear by (even if it is out of the way) the gentlemen that work there are always fast, and if all I need is a top off, and it ended up that nothing was wrong, I get charged nothing. It'd be amazing if they did body work, but I suppose that's another way you can't have it all.
I'm also doing some secondary job hunting. Being that I work full time retail already I'm thinking other such positions wether its at a wal-mart or a gamestop are out of the question. My eyes are set on such positions as barista or a waiter for applebee's. Something that's social and very friendly, and something that has a potential for lots of tip money. Any suggestions?
Well, spent enough time blogging on my blackberry (!). Off to the things I need to do.