Sep 11, 2009 23:47
I had a really neat dream last night that I'm kinda sad wasn't true...
It was my first day of work at a yarn shop somewhere in an entirely non-geographically-correct downtown Denver, which had just narrowly escaped some kind of destruction by fire (yeah, my brain is weird). The shop was run by the proprietor of the actual yarn shop that I (have in the past been known to) frequent, and was stocked pretty much exclusively with brightly-colored self-striping wool of various types, although they also carried short lengths of retired climbing rope meant for making into doormats. My particular role in this store was to help customers with technical issues related to knitting -- in particular, I remember attempting to devise a means to estimate what a particular color pattern would look like without actually knitting it up -- and learning the details of running a business from the proprietor, who was in the dream and is in real life an extremely knowledgable and sensible small business owner.
And then I woke up, had to go off to a meeting on campus, and while there put my back out picking up my laptop. That part was not so good. >_>