Taking some cues from a couple of my friends (namely Rosa, Meg, Dots, Junny and Ryin. Couldn't have mastered this stuff without 'em. Thanks!)
How to turn this
into this
1. Crop any black&white image. Example:
He looks so happy!
2. If needed, resize. Adjust the color depth, soften, sharpen, whatever:
3. Now, take the gradient of your choice (I use
this one by
lovewls). Paste as new layer, screen.
4. But it still looks a little bare, so take this one
There! :D
5. Duplicate the base and gaussian blur 4.
6. Now, duplicate again and set it to soft light. Adjust second layer to 50-54.
7. Sharpen:
8. Add border.
9. Then, tinytext. I don't consider it a rule, but sometimes it looks really neat. :D Especially when you wanna dress up an icon and don't have room for normal text.
[The text I used is:
"Run Run; Let's dedicate tonight
to the full bloom of dreams
The maiden gets drunken now
after the neverending merrymaking", from one of Nuriko's songs.]
Save, and voila!
Optional: Desaturate the base beforehand if you wanna avoid the yellowish tint.