APH Fic The House chapter 6

Jan 24, 2012 00:03

Title: The House
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, North Italy, South Italy
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Louise has often heard of the abandoned mansion miles away from her home. One day when curiosity gets the better of her she and her dog Aster decide to explore it. There she finds two brothers living there and visions of a past life.

“I have to say. I did not expect you to come back.” Feliciano admitted as he and Louise were looking at the back of the house in an attempt to wire everything to allow electricity to come into the house.

Louise snorted. “I said I would be back. I always keep my promises. And I even brought a better toolset with me to help us.”

Feliciano smiled at her. “And I am thankful for both. Out of curiosity what did you tell your guardians?”

“My uncles? I told them that they don’t run my life. There’s worse things than what I’m doing. I’m a good girl that can be trusted.” Louise said. “Stuff like that. That and the fact that I carry two guns, ammunition, and a very protective dog with me makes them know that I’ll be safe.”

“What is a sixteen year old girl doing carrying guns with her anyway?” Feliciano asked.

“For protection and a very over protective uncle who doesn’t trust anyone besides very close relatives.” Louise said. “He taught me ever since I was able to hold a gun.”

“And what have your parents to say of this?”

Louise paused for a moment before she continued playing with the wires. “My parents…died when I was young. That’s why I live with my uncles.”

“I am sorry.” Feliciano said. “Forgive me for bringing up an unpleasant topic.”

“It’s just fine.” Louise said ignoring the way her hands clenched at the wires. “Mind if I ask you a question?”

“By all means, ask.”

“You knew the last owner of this house right?” she asked.

Feliciano nodded. “Yes, she was a close and personal friend of mine.”

Louise slowly nodded. “What happened to her?”

“She also has died. Quite some time ago actually.” Feliciano said, twirling the wires along his own hands and fingers. “Actually the term died is not the proper one. She was killed.”

“Killed?” Louise repeated. “How? Why?”

“Why? Jealousy.” Feliciano said. “Jealousy because of something that she could not control and in the end did not wish to get rid of. How? All I shall say is swords.”

“I’m sorry.” Louise said quietly. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

“It happened a long time ago.” Feliciano said focusing on the wires in his hands and not looking at Louise. “It is quite alright.”

“One more question because I’m about to give up on these wires and wait until I get home to look stuff up for electricity.” Louise said. “Exactly how old are you?”

Feliciano smiled. “Old.”

“Is there a number to that?”

“None that you need to concern yourself with.” Feliciano said placing his hand over hers for a moment. He turned his head when he heard his brother call for the both of them. “Now I hear Lovino, dinner must be ready.”
Time passed and Louise continued to visit each and every weekend in order to help Feliciano and Lovino fix the house. Feliciano and Louise never spoke of their conversation from weeks ago.

“Alright. Based on everything that I looked up and learned about electricity.” Louise said one dinner. “Whether or not we get someone to come here and help us with it one thing remains. We are going to have to I think destroy the house in order to bring electricity into the house. We were severely lucky with the plumbing and that we were finally able to get clean water flowing through the house along with the temperature adjustments and I really don’t think that we’ll be that lucky again.”

“Well then I suppose electricity was one thing that wasn’t meant to come into this house.” Feliciano said. “I refuse to destroy this house any more than it already is.”

“Well then we’re going to have to rebuild all the fireplaces and make sure to get proper firewood for the winter because that’s coming in a few months.” Louise said.

Feliciano smiled at her. “You don’t have to worry about the firewood all that I ask of you is that you help my brother and I in repairing the fireplaces.”

Louise blushed. “Haven’t I been helping enough that you can stop asking that?”

“True, I apologize for that.” Feliciano said. He glanced at Louise’s clothes. “I am very happy to see that you finally decided to wear a dress.”

Louise’s blush deepened. “Well since you kept asking about it I decided to try it once. I am wearing my own clothes underneath though. My boots too.”

Feliciano laughed while Lovino mimicked vomiting from the side of the table. “I will take whatever it is that you give my dear.”
Louise turned to one side before turning to the other; finally she simply sat up in the bed and rubbed her eyes.

For the first time since she had slept here she could not sleep. Something in the back of her mind refused to stop talking and in turn she could no longer rest.

Aster was looking at her from her proper place at the foot of the bed in concern. Louise smiled at Aster before sliding out of the bed.

She glanced at the mirror and scoffed at the nightgown she was wearing. Like everything else in the house it seemed old and seemed more proper to be on a girl from those fantasy books Roderich used to read to her.

Her hands slid down on the soft material which ended just above her feet. She rubbed the fabric between two fingers before she sighed and walked to the window. Opening the doors she stepped onto the balcony and breathed in the fresh air deeply.

It’s been months since she had discovered this place. Months since she had met Feliciano and Lovino. Months since she had decided to spend all her spare time here helping them with the mansion, because really this wasn’t a house it was a mansion. She slept here. She ate here. And if truth be told she could almost bring herself to call it a home.

She sighed as she leaned against the banister spreading her hands along the banister looking out into the backyard that her room faced.

And dimly she could hear the sound of a violin being played.

Louise leaned forward in confusion to confirm the sound, a violin was being played somewhere in the backyard.

The sudden need, a desire and want, rose within her to jump from the balcony and go towards the music arose in her.

Louise shook her head as she reentered the room and went to where her jeans, shirt, and boots were waiting for her.

A tug on the hem of her nightgown brought her attention to Aster who had got off the bed. Once Louise looked down at her Aster padded to the closet where all the dresses that Feliciano loved were hanging. She nudged a dark blue one slightly.

“You cannot be serious.” Louise said.

The look Aster shot her was enough of an answer.

Louise pulled the dress slightly out of the closet in order to glance at it. “I am not wearing something like this.” Louise said. “I’m going to ruin it.”

Aster growled softly and nosed a pair of shoes as well.

Growling as well Louise carefully took the dress of the hanger and the shoes from the floor before throwing another look at Aster.

“If I ruin this dress I will never forgive you Aster.” Louise said.

Louise was then certain that Aster was laughing at her.

Rolling her eyes Louise quickly pulled the nightgown off and replaced it with the midnight blue dress before sliding her bare feet into the heels. She carefully took a few steps around the room in order to gain her balance in the heels before picking up the lantern beside her bed, lighting it, and going onto the balcony once more.

The wind had picked up a bit she noted as stood on the balcony. Aster came to her side and sat beside her mistress. Louises short hair blew back slightly and for a moment she wished she had let it grow out.

Almost as if she was in a dream her body moved on its own, an unconscious knowledge of where and how to go. Her hand came to the side of the balcony and before she knew what she was doing she had jumped from the stone ledge and landed carefully on her feet. Seconds later Aster had joined her on the ground.

Louise paused for a moment before she looked back to the balcony where she had jumped from and to the ground where she landed.

“How…how did I do that?” Louise asked herself.

Aster trotted a few feet ahead before looking over her shoulder at her mistress. Her tail wagged slightly.

The music hadn’t stopped for a moment since she had first heard it.

Throwing another curious look to the balcony Louise lifted her lantern outwards and started to walk slowly towards where she believed the source of the music was, the hem of her dress sliding across the grounds like a shiver of water.
Feliciano wasn’t sure why Lovino always went with him to the grounds where Feliciano enjoyed played his violin every night. He soon chalked it up to brotherly love more than anything.

It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the company, it was just that sometimes he had wanted some time alone to himself and his memories.

The song he was playing at the moment was a soft and slow song that caused his heart to ache as he played. The bow slid gracefully along the strings filling the night air with its music.

Feliciano stood in perfect position with the violin tucked neatly into the crook of his neck with his posture perfectly straight. Lovino was to the side lying on stone slabs. One of his legs was bent towards him while the other was extended outwards. He sighed and leaned against the stone.

Footsteps. Footsteps were behind them and a light was casting a shadow along the grounds. Feliciano brought the violin down slightly and Lovino sat up. They shared a look before looking towards the sound.

A familiar person came around the corner holding the lantern and the dog at her side.

Landing on his feet on the ground with his brother following behind him shortly.

“This place is big; we can stay here for a day or so.” Lovino said.

Feliciano shook his head in amusement. “And if someone finds us?”

Lovino smirked. “What could a simple human do to us?”

Before Feliciano could say anything a shadow coming from a light appeared and if they concentrated they could hear the soft sounds of footsteps.

A girl appeared from around the corner holding a lantern high and a dog by her side.

Praying she didn’t have the knowledge or ability to sense who they were Feliciano stepped forward with his hands extended slightly.

“Good evening. My brother and me” he was cut off suddenly as the girl placed the lantern on the ground and tackled him. When Lovino tried to come to his aid the dog launched itself at Lovino and brought him to the ground.

“Sorry.” Feliciano said quickly before he brought his arm swinging around towards her. The girl jumped away in order to dodge his arm and the dog dragged Lovino to her slightly. She grabbed Lovino by the collar and threw him at Feliciano.

The brothers fell to the ground and as they started to stand a fine piece of sharp metal was pressed against their throats.

Scared beyond comprehension with what he believes to be either a sword or a dagger on the front of his neck. A quick side glance shows his brother is in the same position and that it is coming from the girl behind them.

“What are you doing on my fathers land?” she demanded in a hiss.

“Feliciano? Lovino? What are you guys doing here?” Louise asked.

Feliciano blinked suddenly jolting out of his thoughts. “Louise. Should it not be I who asks the same of you?”

Louise blushed lightly. “I couldn’t sleep and I heard music. I came to see what it was.”

“In a beautiful dress nonetheless.” Feliciano added nodding his head towards the dress.

The blush deepened as Louise smoothed the fabric. “Aster wouldn’t let me leave if I didn’t put it on.”
“Is it normal that I’ve been getting more and more headaches ever since I first had that dream Aster?” Louise asked. “I mean I haven’t had anything ever since then but today I got those headaches again.”

Aster watched her mistress as she quickly undressed and placed the dress back in its place in the closet and slid back into her nightgown and under the covers once more.

“Do you think that I am going insane Aster?” she whispered.

The only answer Aster was able to give her was placing her head on the bed with her eyes still open.

“Your right.” Louise said. “I need to get some sleep. Maybe things will be clearer in the morning.”

With that Louise closed her eyes and was quickly pulled into a dreamless sleep.

fanfic, romano, italy, au, human-au, femgermany, aph

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