APH Fic A Secret Inside chapter 1

Jan 22, 2012 19:04

Title: A Secret Inside
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, England, Prussia, Germania, France
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Gilbert is a vampire prince. Louise is a witch's apprentice with a secret that she doesn't even know of. These two fight and fall in love in a world where their kinds are at war. FemGermany

“Vampires are the most foul creatures to have ever walk the earth.” Arthur said as he paced up and down the room. “They are nothing more than animals, although from hot they act it would seem even lower to the animals.”

Louise watched her teacher pace up and down the room. “How were they created?”

“From what we know they are former humans that drank the blood of animals before turning to the blood of humans.” Arthur said. “A human that turned its back on the morals and that what is right of being a human.”

“Sit down Louise and take notes.” Arthur instructed.

He waited for her to pull out her notebook and pen, and her pen was positioned over the paper ready. “The ways to kill vampires are few and hard. Rip the head off. Rip the heart out. Destroy their bodies until nothing remains. Sunlight will kill them however crosses and garlic do nothing.”

“What about werewolves?” Louise asked looking up from her notes.

“What about them?”

“Vampires are evil and need to be destroyed.” Louise said. “Where is it that werewolves stand?”

Arthur smiled. “I am glad that you brought that up. Werewolves are our allies, the enemy of the vampire. They might turn into animals however they also turn back into humans, they have retained their humanity.”

“Witches, vampires, werewolves.” Louise said going through her notes. “Is there anything else?”

Arthur shook his head sadly. “Unfortunately no. there used to be so many more however they either died out or were killed.”

He was about to continue when all of a sudden his lights flickered once, twice, a third time. Arthur immediately stood and went towards the door.

“Stay behind me Louise.” he said when Louise followed him. “That means that someone has entered the wards. Someone not human.”

Together they left the building and onto the front of the house.

“Who’s there?” Arthur called out, bringing Louise behind him. “Show yourselves!”

A boy around Louise’s age stepped from the trees with his hands in his pockets. “Sorry to scare you old man, it’s just me.”

Arthur relaxed. “Oh Alfred. Come in, come in. The usual?” he asked as he entered the house once more.

Alfred nodded as his eyes fell on Louise and his smile widened to a grin as he held his hand. “Alfred.”

“Louise.” she said as she shook his hand.

Alfred took a step forward, brought his face close to hers, and breathed deeply. “You smell good. Really, really good.”

“Thank…you?” Louise asked.

“I mean. Really good.” Alfred said not taking his face away from hers.

“Alfred!” Arthur called sharply. “Stop scaring my apprentice.”

Alfred slowly stepped back still eyeing Louise almost regretfully. “Sorry old man, couldn’t help myself. I just want to…eat her up.”

“Well learn some control.” Arthur said coming out with a small bag in hand. “You are a werewolf, not a vampire. You can control yourself.”

He handed Alfred the bag. “That should be enough for you and your family. Come back and see me when you need more.”

Alfred nodded not taking his eyes off of Louise. “Will do. Take care of yourself Arthur. And you too Louise.” he added softly.

Louise waited until Alfred had disappeared from sight before she turned to her teacher.

“So he’s a werewolf?” she asked.

Arthur nodded.

“And what was that me smelling good?”

Arthur shrugged. “I’ve never heard him or any other werewolf ever say anything like that. Perhaps you have a different scent from the other humans my apprentice. Now, go back to your studies.”
Louise’s father Alvar looked up from his newspaper as Louise entered the house.

He nodded at her. “Good evening Louise, how was the group study?”

Louise smiled at her father. “It was fine. I had to tutor some of the kids in science again but they are finally getting it.”

“That’s good.” Alvar said. “Are you having any problems with any subject?”

Louise shook her head. “Mostly I am teaching the others the subjects.”

Her father nodded again. “Good. That’s good to know.”

“I’m going upstairs.” she said. “I’m a bit tired and I think I’ll go to bed early tonight.”

“Alright then, good night Louise.”

“Good night father.” Louise said as she went up the stairs to her room. She glanced back at her father once she was on the top of the stairs. She hated lying to her father but she didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell him that she wasn’t studying but learning magic.

It’s not like he would ever believe her anyway.
“Good morning class. I am pleased to say that we will be having two new students joining us.” Louise’s teacher said. “They are currently in the principal’s office getting their schedules and they will be he-”

He was cut off as someone knocked on the door. The door opened and the principal stuck his head in.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” he said. “I got the students here for you.”

Two students walked in. Their clothing was completely the same from the boots to the jackets and the necklace. The only difference was the first boy was also wearing earrings. The one with the earrings had white hair and red eyes while the other had blonde hair that reached his shoulders and blue eyes.

“Everyone, this is Gilbert Beilschmidt.” the teacher said placing a hand on the white haired boys shoulder. “And this is Francis Bonnefoy.” he placed a hand on the blondes shoulder.

Francis was smiling and winking when he made eye contact with someone. Gilbert was smiling and had his hands in his pockets.

“Is there anything that either of you want to say to the class?” the teacher asked.

Both boys shook their heads.

“Okay then, Francis, you sit next to henry next to the closet.” the teacher said nodding to henry. “And Gilbert, you can sit next to Louise.”

Gilbert shot Louise a big grin as he slid into the seat next to her. His teeth were gleaming in the light.

“I’m Gilbert.” he said extending his hand.

“Louise.” she said as she shook his hand. A jolt of ice and electricity shot up her arm and a sickly sweet scent filled her nose.

“Is everything alright, Miss Louise?” Gilbert asked.

Louise quickly retracted her arm and rubbed her hand as she watched Gilbert carefully.

“Guinda. Verno.” she whispered. Her eyes clouded over slightly as in her minds eyes the entire room darkened. From each of the students a red glow surrounded them, the aura of a human.

However from Gilbert and Francis from the corner they were both surrounded by a purple haze, the aura of a vampire.

Louise gave a gasp and slid her chair away from him. Her hands started to shake and her heart pounded in her ears.

“Vampire.” she whispered, remembering too late about their heightened senses.

Gilbert tensed up and growled softly, their teacher oblivious to everything but the lesson he was now teaching. Gilbert grabbed her wrist and hissed “How do you know?”

His eyes fell to the inside of her left wrist where every night Louise repainted Arthurs mark.

“A witch’s apprentice.” Gilbert said.

Louise brought her arm back before shooting it into the air.

“Sir?” she called getting the attention of her teacher.

“Yes Louise?” he asked.

“May I go to the school nurse?” Louise requested.

The teacher looked annoyed. “The class has just started.” he said. “Whatever it is, I am sure that I can wait.”

“I have period cramps.” Louise said.

The teacher paused and blushed before he said “Alright, you are excused.”

Louise nodded and started to get out of her seat when a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back slightly.

“I think I’ll come with you.” Gilbert said happily. “That way I get a mini tour of the school and we make sure that you get to the nurses office. Wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

Louise managed a smile, albeit a weak one. “You can get someone else to give you a tour and I can get myself to the nurse.”

Gilbert stood up and without letting go of Louise’s wrist walked around their desks and came up to her. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. My place as a gentleman refuses to allow me to let a lady go off on her own when she is in pain. Allow me to escort you to the nurse.”

Louise tried to pull her wrist out of his grip; well aware of the entire class staring at them, the teacher starting at them, and Francis in the corner laughing to himself.

“That is quite alright, I insist that I can go on my own.” Louise said.

“And I insist that you allow me to escort you.” Gilbert said. “It’s the least that I can do.”

“It is alright.” Louise insisted through clenched teeth and tugging at her trapped wrist. “I can do it my- Ah!”

Suddenly she found herself in Gilbert’s arms and being carried bridal style out of the classroom and into the hallway.

“Let go of me.” Louise said struggling to get free as they walked through the hallway. If anything Gilberts arms tightened around her. “Let go of me you monster.”

“Monster?” Gilbert repeated amused. “Oh that’s rich. We’re the monsters and yet you and your kind are hunting us down and killing us with no remorse. Yes, we are the monsters.”

“If we do anything to beings like you it’s only because you deserve it.” Louise hissed.

“Spoken like a true person who allows others to think for themselves and lets others put their own thoughts and opinions into them.” Gilbert said as they turned a corner. He shifted her into one arm and opened the door to an unused classroom.

“Put me down.” Louise demanded.

“Alright.” Gilbert said simply as his arms fell to his sides and allowed Louise to fall to the ground.

“Ah!” Louise let out as she fell onto the cold cement floor. “That hurt.”

“You asked me to let you go.” Gilbert said. “You didn’t specify. And don’t give me that bullshit about you having to go to the nurse because of your period cramps. I can smell that you don’t have your period.”

Before Louise could get up the moment she sat up Gilbert placed himself into her lap with his legs on either side of her own legs.

“Now then little witch.” Gilbert said. “Let’s get straight to the point, shall we? My friend and I are going to this school. We are vampires. You are going to this school. You and I’m sure that a few of your friends are witches. Here’s what we’ll do. You leave me and my friend alone and we’ll leave you guys alone.”

“Vampires have no right and no business in the affairs of regular and normal humans.” Louise spat at him. “Leave or else.”

Gilbert was smiling. “Or else what?”

“My friends and I will make you leave.” Louise said.

Gilbert threw his head back and laughed. “Oh that is hilarious, you and your friends will make us leave.” His hand trailed down Louise’s arm until he reached her left wrist and brought it up for the both of them to see the mark. “According to this, your just a little apprentice. I am a vampire that has been alive for centuries; I severely doubt that you can do anything to me.”

Louise gathered her magic and released it in a blast towards Gilbert.

Gilbert tilted his head to the side and his grin widened. “I’m sorry but were you trying to do something? Or did I just feel a breeze from the window?”

Louise’s eyes widened. “That…that was my strongest blast.”

Gilbert was still laughing to himself as he said “Really? Well with those kinds of attacks, you just might be able to ruin my hair.”

Louise growled and pushed him on his chest. “Get off of me.”

Gilbert laughed again and pressed himself harder onto her lap. “Get me off yourself. According to you, you can even make me leave the school. Getting me off of your lap seems like nothing.”

Gritting her teeth Louise gathered her magic once more and blasted it towards Gilbert once more.

Gilbert brought his hand to his mouth and yawned. “Anytime you’re ready to start little apprentice.”

Louise glared at him. “Get off of me.”

Gilbert laughed before he brought his face close to hers. When he was close enough for her to see clearly into his eyes he brought his head to the side and closer to her neck. He breathed her scent deeply.

“You smell…nice for a human.” Gilbert said. She could feel his breath on her skin.

“A werewolf said that I smelled weird.” Louise said without thinking once more.

She could almost feel Gilberts smile. “I wouldn’t say nice, just different for a human.” He breathed in again. “You smell like…the earth and open sky. Of life. A very ripe fruit that is just right and ready for the picking.”

When she felt his lips on her neck Louise’s pulse quickened. Her pupils dilated and her hands began to shake, short breaths came out of her neck as she felt his breath and, was that her imagination or reality, his teeth on her neck.

A light blasted out of her body at Gilbert. He was blasted off of Louise and against the wall causing a crack to appear in the cement wall.

Gilbert was grinning as he stood and dusted himself off. “Now that is an attack, little apprentice. Harness that power and you’ll be able to at least push me out of the school.”

He walked to the door and paused in the doorway. “I look forward to seeing your progress, little apprentice.”

“Oh! And one more thing.” Gilbert added when he was almost out of the room. “Good luck with dealing with those fake period cramps, from what I hear those can be deadly.”

He was still laughing as he left the room, leaving Louise to pick herself off the floor and glare at his direction.

“I need to tell Master Arthur.” Louise said. “And the others.”

fanfic, france, au, magic, prussia, germania, aph, femgermany

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