APH Fic The House chapter 1

Aug 23, 2011 18:07

Title: The House
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, North Italy, South Italy
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Louise has often heard of the abandoned mansion miles away from her home. One day when curiosity gets the better of her she and her dog Aster decide to explore it. There she finds two brothers living there and visions of a past life.

Louise’s dug her heel into the gravel road bringing her bike to a stop.

Aster glanced up at her master with her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Louise smiled down at her dog and reached down to pet her for a moment before glancing at their destination.

“Well here we are girl.” Louise said. She took in the image of the deserted house. Parts of the roof had been blown away from time. She hopped off her bike and pushed it towards the fence.

She pushed at the metal that had one day been a door. She was sure that there used to be a fence running around the yard to keep people out however time had caused more to become rusted and useless before falling to the ground.

She wrapped her hand around Asters leash, not that she needed to pull it. Aster was loyally following Louise.

Louise smiled. Finding out about this building was something like a childhood dream coming true. Ever since she had read about these kinds of houses and the treasures they might contain she had wanted to find one and explore it.

Louise smiled again as she and her dog walked to the front porch. She balanced her bike on the side of the building and took Asters leash in her hand and grabbed her back from the basket.

She placed one foot on the porch to test its sturdiness. After coming to the conclusion that it would be able to hold her weight she slowly made her way towards the front door.

When she curled her hand around the doorknob, the cool and slightly rusted metal against her skin, she was surprised to find that it opened easily.

Entering the house with Aster by her side she opened and rummaged through her bag and pulled out a flashlight. Turning it on she slid the backpack onto her shoulders after leaning down and unclipping Asters leash and stuffing it into her bag.

Her boots hitting the wooden floor rang through the house. Her flashlight shined around the room as she glanced around to every corner.

“Maybe it’s all those scary movies I watch with Alfred.” Louise said to Aster. “Or those scary books that Roderich refuses to let me read but I do anyway. But I can’t help but think that there is someone else in this house.”

“Hello?” she called. Her echo rang clearly through the house. “Is there someone here? If there is then I am sorry for disrupting and entering into your house. If you want me to leave but don’t want me to see you please just send me a sign that you want me out.”

She looked around, her ears perked ready to hear the first sound.

There was nothing.

She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. Free to look around the house.

She tested the stairs that lead to the second floor with her foot once more before walking on it. Aster didn’t leave her side once.
Feliciano couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he watched the girl walk up the staircase.

“Oh I like her.” Feliciano said softly to his brother so that he didn’t catch the attention of the girl. “What about you brother?”

Lovino glanced at his brother. “I don’t. When are we just going to scare her away like the others?”

Feliciano didn’t answer as he simply stared at the girl.

“For the love of.” Lovino murmured under his breath before reaching out and shaking his brother by the shoulder. “I knew this would get to you. Feli. She doesn’t look like her.”

“She looks exactly like her.” Feliciano said softly.

Lovino couldn’t help the growl that rose in his throat.
Louise bit her lip to keep the smile off of her face. She had entered something that Alfred had called her heaven zone. The library.

She shined her flashlight around the room in an effort to catch everything. Shelves upon shelves were filled with wonderful books. Books that she couldn’t wait to open and start reading as soon as she was able to.

She sneezed then once. Twice. A third time. Almost as if she was following her master Aster sneezed as well.

Louise smiled at her dog. “It is a little dusty in here, isn’t it girl?”

Like every other part of the house there were cobwebs and dust covering every little corner. Louise felt the clean-freak side of her nearly crying and then screaming for her to start cleaning.

She shook her head to clear those thoughts before taking out a handkerchief and placing it over her mouth. She glanced down at Aster.

“Do you want one too girl?” she asked.

The only answer she got was a doggy smile and a wag of the tail.

Louise kept the handkerchief to her face to block the dust as she continued through the house.

Behind her there was a creak on the floorboards as if someone had stepped on it.

Whirling around she used the hand that had been holding the handkerchief go to the holster on her side. In a swift motion she pulled out her gun and had both it and the flashlight where she had heard the noise.

No one was there.

Breathing heavily she moved the flashlight right and left then towards the ceiling and then the remainder of the room.

“It’s like Vash always said girl.” Louise said to Aster. “You see a boy, shoot him in his balls. Or in your case if you see a boy bite him as hard as you can.”

Louise slowly slid the gun back into its holster. “Times like this I am glad I have a paranoid gun lover as an uncle.”

Throwing another look around the room to make sure Louise started forward once more.

There was another creek on the floorboards.

Without turning she placed her hand on top of her gun.

“Aster.” she said in German. “Attack if someone is behind us.”

Turning slowly she looked behind her. There was no one.

“Alright then.” she said loudly. “If you insist on acting like a child playing hide and seek at least tell me.”

She froze when she heard a chuckle. A man came around the corner of one of the shelves towards her slowly.

“Tough little girl, aren’t you?” the man said.

“Aster. Prepare to attack.” she instructed.

The man chuckled lightly. “You have no need to fear. I will not harm you.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Louise said not taking her eyes off of him.

The man’s smile widened before he bowed lightly to her.

“My name is Feliciano.” he said. “The owner of this house. Welcome.”

fanfic, romano, italy, au, human-verse, femgermany, aph

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