APH Fic Forgiveness and Love chapter 2

Aug 21, 2011 23:28

Title: Forgiveness and Love
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, Italy, Prussia, FemGermanyxItaly
Rating: T
Warnings: Flashbacks to violence in the first chapter. Sex in the second chapter.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: After their last meeting in WWII left on a horrible note Germanys and Italys friendship had ended. Hoping to reconcile with Germany Italy goes to her in hopes of friendship. And maybe love.

Italy couldn’t move. He was frozen to the spot.

He heard Germany get out of bed and walk towards him. “Alright now. Hands where I can see them.”

Confused Italy extended his hands to the sides a few feet to the side.

He tried to say something but in response she pushed the gun into his back slightly. “Speak only when you are spoken to.”

He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded.

“I‘m not going to ask why you’re here, I can probably guess why. Well all I can say is that this is not your lucky day.” she said.

Italy held back a whimper. He bit his lip in an effort to keep it in.

She pressed the barrel of the gun into his back fully. “Now then. What to do with you.”

‘I never should’ve come here.’ Italy thought to himself.

“Turn around and face me.” she ordered.

He obeyed. He could just barely see her through the darkness. He saw her hand fumbling on her nightstand.

Suddenly light came into the room. Italy flinched from the sudden brightness and he heard a gasp.

He looked up and saw Germany’s surprised face. She dropped the gun.

“I…Italy?” she asked in disbelief.

Before he could answer she ran at him and threw her arms around him.

“Italy!” she cried.

Surprised, and somewhat happy, Italy put his arms around her and pulled her close to his body.

“Italy…Italy!” she cried into his shirt. She looked at him and smiled.

“I‘m glad you’re here.”
Italy wasn’t sure how this happened but somehow he had found himself in Germany’s kitchen with her and drinks in front of them.

Before Germany was able to say anything Italy told her. “Please don’t apologize. I forgave you a long time ago.”

Germany had smiled before it fell and she looked at her lap. “I owe you so much more than an apology/.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

Germany shook her head. “I do.”

Italy reached out and took her hand. “Germany. Trust me. You don’t.”

She smiled as she watched their hands. She moved her hand slightly so that their fingers were entwined.

“Tell me.” she said. “How are you? We haven’t talked in years.”

Italy smiled. “I am fine. Very good actually. How about you?”

Germany shrugged. “I can’t really complain.”

She looked up at him and started “This is rather weird, the both of us talking like-”

Italy cut her off by leaning across the table and kissing her. He felt her freeze under his lips.

All of a sudden he broke away from her, leaving her with a slightly dazed look.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” Italy apologized.

Germany didn’t say anything as she immediately stood, quickly walked around the table, and when she reached him placed her hand on his face and drew their lips together.

Italy placed his hands on her hips and brought her forward until she her knees were on either side of his legs on the chair. As their mouths worked together her hands were entwined in his hair while his curled around her waist.

When they broke apart and with strength he didn’t know that he had he stood and with one arm holding Germany to him and with the other cleared the table of its glasses and bottles.

They both ignored the sounds of everything falling to the floor as Italy placed Germany on top of the table. This time when Italy pressed his lips to Germanys her hand came up to his shirt and started to unbutton it.

In a swift motion Germany was able to push Italy’s shirt off and he yanked her own shirt and threw it to the ground. His pants, her shorts, and their underwear followed soon after.

He aligned himself and then pushed forward. Both held their breaths as he continued forward until he was completely settled.

He held Germanys twitched body as he gave her time to get used to the feeling. Her nails raked across his back as she tried to relax.

Finally at her nod and when she placed her legs around his waist Italy set at a frantic and desperate pace. Their combined moans and battered breaths filled the kitchen.

Italy slid his hands around Germany’s body wherever he was to reach. Up the curve of her neck and the downwards slope of her shoulders to her plump breasts that filled his hands perfectly to her hips that he gripped tightly.

Germany came first. Her entire body shuddering as she climaxed with a low moan. Italy smiled before gritting his teeth and released inside of her.

They lay on the table panting, their bodies pressed against one another. Italy placed his forehead in the place where her neck and shoulder met and kissed the area gently as he slowly slid himself out.

Germany sighed happily before wincing slightly as she shifted her legs. She wrinkled her nose as she felt the fluids run down her thighs.

Italy chuckled lightly as he sighed and closed his eyes peacefully.

“Really West? On the table where we eat?” a familiar voice asked.

Germanys and Italy’s eyes snapped open and they looked to the doorway.

Prussia was leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed.

“I’m not one to lecture about time and place for sex.” he said dryly. “But I don’t think that the place where we eat all of our meals is the right place.”

Germany pressed Italy closer to her in order to hide her body from view.

“How long have you been there?” Germany demanded.

“Long enough to know that I shouldn’t really be turned on from the sight of my sister having sex.” Prussia replied. He stretched and started towards the front door. “I’m going to go and see if Hungary is still awake and in the mood for a quickie.”

When they heard the front door close Germany and Italy looked at one another and laughed quietly. They slowly untangled themselves from one another and gathered their clothes.

“Do you want me to go or…?” Italy started to ask.

Germany smiled and took his hand. “Stay. I missed sleeping in the same bed as you.”

Italy smiled and tightened his grip on her hand. “Same here.”

prussia, fanfic, italy, femgermany, aph

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