APH Fic Not As It Seems chapter 4

Aug 20, 2011 00:59

Title: Not As It Seems
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Germany, Denmark, Prussia, SItaly
Rating: T on the safe side.
Warnings: None…I think.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: During the day Ludwig is a normal sixteen year old going to high school. At night however he is the leader of the most feared mob in the country. The Germanics.

Ludwig rubbed his forehead in slight irritation and sighed. A quick glance at the corner of his laptop showed that it was nearing twelve in the afternoon.

He kept his hand on his forehead as he stared at the report he was writing on the computer.

He heard a slight click in the distance suddenly.

With fast hands he plugged a flash disk into his computer and quickly saved everything before tilting his head to the side to just avoid a bullet that flew in through the window. His eyes narrowed as it went through his computer screened.

He sighed. “At least I saved everything.” he said before jumping out of his seat to the side to avoid the next rain of bullets. He grimaced slightly as the furniture that was covering him suffered through the bullets.

“It took.” he said. “A very long time to pick out all that furniture. Hours I think.”

He ran through the house and slid his cell phone out of his pocket. Pressing a button he brought it to his ear and waited for a moment.

“Everything okay little brother?” Gilbert asked on the other end.

“I think there are some assassins outside trying to kill me.” Ludwig said.

“Are you sure?”

The next bullet caused the vase next to his head to explode. He brought up a cushion to avoid the shards.

“Pretty sure.” Ludwig said nonchalantly.

“What was that? Please don’t tell me it was the blue vase.”

Ludwig glanced at the shards on the ground. “Sorry brother.”

Gilbert groaned. “I liked that vase.”

“And I liked the couch.” Ludwig said glancing over his shoulder. “However that’s in pieces too.”

Gilbert sighed. “Alright. Elizaveta is the only one close enough. Stay safe and she’ll call you.”

Ludwig nodded even though Gilbert couldn’t see it. “I know.”

Sliding the phone back into his pocket Ludwig carefully went into the kitchen, dropping to his knees in time to dodge the next array. He opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle which he sipped from. This assassination attempt was not helping his hangover.

Just as it started the bullets stopped and his phone started to vibrate. Still sipping from his water bottle he pulled out his phone and said “Yes?”

“I caught the guys.” Elizavetas voice said.

Ludwig smiled. “Excellent and fast work as always Elizaveta. How many?”

“Four. What do you want me to do with them?”

“Find out who sent them.” Ludwig instructed. “And then send a messenger back. You do remember how many it takes to deliver a message right?”

He could hear the smile in her words. “Only one.”

Ludwig nodded again. “Right. Call back when you have the information.”

“Will do.”

He slid his phone into his pocket once more and stood to survey the damage done.

“Ah damnit.” he groaned. “They ruined all the good furniture.”
“Where should we put this bookcase?” Mathias asked. Berwald motioned with his head to the wall next to the doorway and together they placed it there.

They both turned to Ludwig who was sitting on the new couch transferring all his saved data onto his new computer.

“Everything good?” Matthias asked.

Ludwig glanced around the room and nodded with a smile. “Everything is great, as usual.”

Mathias grinned. “Well we are the best.”

Ludwig smiled slightly. “So. Did Elizaveta tell you anything?”

Mathias sat next to Ludwig with one leg crossed on top of the other while Berwald took the other side.

“Well the four guys worked for Romulus.” Mathias said. “They told us that Romulus had ordered them to get rid of the kid brother of the guy in charge.”

“He persists in thinking Gilbert is in charge and in trending on very thin ice.” Ludwig commented before sighing again. “There are now two strikes against him. His replacement. You guys have been training him correctly?”

Berwald nodded. “As you ordered.”

Mathias looked slightly concerned. “Are you sure about this guy? There’s something about him that I don’t like.”

“Sadiq Adnan is a somewhat shady character.” Ludwig said. “However to whatever it is that he is loyal to he gives his complete loyalty. That and his ultimate weakness.”

“His son Hercules.” Mathias said.

Ludwig nodded. “Just as with Ekaterina, Romulus, Yao, and the others. We don’t put them in certain places unless we know we can control them.”

“Speaking of Yao.” Berwald said reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a letter. “He sent this to you.”

Ludwig raised an eyebrow. “Me?”

“Well not you, you.” Berwald corrected himself. “The one in charge.”

Ludwig took the envelope and placed it to the side after glancing at it. “Thank you.”

Mathias looked at his wristwatch. “We need to go. Take care boss.” he said as he stood.

Berwald squeezed Ludwig’s shoulder as he stood and nodded as he left.

Once the door had closed Ludwig took the envelope once more and opened it. Pulling out the letter inside he started to read.

He smirked slightly. The letter started with ‘Dear’ however then jumped straight into the reason of the letter.

He read through it once before snorting and throwing it to the side.

“Yao wants to try and start bringing drugs back into circulation. That opium addicted weirdo.” Ludwig said out loud to no one. He thought for a moment before shrugging. “I’ll think about this some other time.”

He walked slowly towards the bathroom. “Maybe a shower will help me relax?”

He turned the knobs to create the spray he preferred, stripped, and waited a few moments before stepping under the warm water.

Drugs. He opened his eyes as the water ran around his body. Drugs were always a big pay. With the right connections they were easy to get and even easier to smuggle in.

And with Yao overseeing the import and export with them only profiting, they were the ones that gave the money to buy the drugs after all, should something happen to leak to the police Yao would be the one to take the heat.

He tilted his head back to allow the water to go through his hair. And even if they were caught they would never see the inside of a jail. None of them. Everyone had a price. You just needed to go high enough.

He scrunched his nose slightly trying to remember. Besides opium what were the other more popular ones?

Ah that’s right. Marijuana, always a favorite with teenagers thinking themselves to be cool, heroin, cocaine, and the like. Anything that caused hallucinations and destroyed the brain was an instant favorite.

And according the letter Yaos people in China were actually creating a new drug. Easier to make and more powerful. The more power it had, the more they could sell to for.

“I’ll ask Gilbert at dinner.” Ludwig said out loud.
“I think it’s been about thirty years since we had anything to do with drugs.” Gilbert said.

“I know how long it’s been.” Ludwig said. “I want to know your opinion on whether or not we should start again.”

Gilbert shrugged. “Drugs, while good and everything, are a tricky business. And then you have some people stealing what we bring in. Because its drugs they are more willing to do it and don’t care if they get caught.”

Ludwig was silent for a moment. “I’ll think about it some more.”

“Forget about all that shit.” Gilbert said. “We have more important thing to wonder about.”

“Like what?”

“Your eighteenth birthday is coming up.” Gilbert pointed out. “What do you want to do?”

Ludwig smiled. “I think that since it’s my eighteenth we should have a coming out of sort.”

“…little brother.” Gilbert said slowly with a grin. “You know that I will accept you no matter what. Might not change clothes in front of you anymore but I will accept you.”

Ludwig threw his napkin at his brother. “You know what I mean.”

Gilbert snickered lightly. “Yeah, yeah. I know.”

“With my legally becoming an adult I think it’s the proper time for everyone to know just who is in charge.”

“I can see the looks on their faces now.” Gilbert said grinning. “And now, I can’t wait for it.”

swe, fanfic, au, prussia, mafia, hungary, aph, germany

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