APH Fic Life At Hogwarts chapter 3

Aug 19, 2011 19:52

Title: Life at Hogwarts
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, Canada, Norway
Rating: T
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: When a strange letter arrive for Alfred and Matthew it opens their eyes to a world they never knew existed. One were they belong. Human-verse. Crossover with Harry Potter.

Their mother huffed and placed her hands on her hips as she turned completely around.

“I don’t see that Platform 9 ¾ anywhere.” she said.

Alfred and Matthew looked around desperately. They ignored the weird looks they were getting because of their pets, one man when he saw Matthews pet polar bear screamed like a little girl and ran away, and sighed.

“Maybe you need to say a magic word?” their father suggested.

Mother turned to the father with her best I-am-not-amused-face however before she could say anything a somewhat familiar and amused voice asked “Do you guys need help?”

The family whirled towards the voice. Sadiq Adnan stood there with a child at his side. The child in question was staring at his father with a mixture of hatred and sleepiness in his face.

“My son Hercules.” he said pointing to the child. The children nodded to one another.

“Where exactly is this platform 9 3/4?” their mother asked.

Sadiq pointed to the barrier standing next to platforms 9 and 10. “Right there.”

“…that is a wall.”

Sadiq nodded as if he didn’t see the problem. “Yeah.” He turned to his son. “Hera. Show them how it’s done.”

Almost as if he was happy to be away from his father Hercules pushed his cart with his belongings towards the wall.

“Don’t blink.” Sadiq advised them.

Just when Hercules was about to run into the wall his cart and then his own body easily went through the wall, disappearing.

“You just run straight through into the wall.” Sadiq told the amazed family. “Run quickly if you’re nervous.”

Alfred and Matthew shared a look with themselves before looking at their parents white faces. Alfred took a deep breath and heard Matthew do the same before in unison they ran towards the wall.

When they were about to connect Alfred ducked his head and Matthew closed his eyes. When they didn’t splatter their bodies on the wall and instead heard a train whistle blowing they opened their eyes.

A scarlet train stood in the tracks; children and adults were running around, and the sign ‘Hogwarts Express’ met their sights.

“My dear god.” their father’s voice came from behind. The children glanced over their shoulders and saw their parents behind them.

“Where the hell did my kid run off to?” Sadiq growled. “I need to go find him. See you two at Hogwarts!”

Without waiting for a reply Sadiq turned and walked off trying to find Hercules.

After loading their luggage’s and placing their pets in the right department Alfred and Matthew turned to their parents with smiles on their faces.

“Remember you two.” Their mother said. “There is nothing wrong with not liking this school and coming home to go to a normal school.”

Their father sighed. “Dear. They will love this school and you know it.”

He turned to the children and hugged them. “Have fun at this school and be sure to write to us.”

“We will dad.” the two said in unison.

Soon enough they had boarded the train and were in search of a compartment to sit in. One of the compartments doors opened and Gilbert struck out his head. He grinned when he saw Alfred and Matthew.

“My brother and I were wondering if we would see you guys.” he said. He moved to the side to that they were able to enter. “Come on in.”

Ludwig had been sitting against the window reading a book. When he looked up and saw Alfred and Matthew he grinned and closed his book. “Hey.”

Alfred and Matthew smiled back as they sat in the seats across the others.

“We never met muggle borns before.” Gilbert said sitting down next to his brother. “So us meeting you is something different for us.”

“Well we didn’t even know about witches and wizards being real before.” Alfred said. “So that makes us even.”

Gilbert grinned. “Fair enough.”

“Is there anything you guys need to know before we reach the school?” Ludwig asked.

“Well I read Hogwarts A History but I’m still kinda confused.” Matthew said. “What exactly are the houses?”

“Well there are four houses that you can sorted to at Hogwarts.” Ludwig explained. “They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each student is sorted into the house that best suits their personality.”

“Gryffindor is for the people that have courage, bravery, loyalty, nerve, and chivalry.” Gilbert said. “Slytherin is for the people that have ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness.”

“Hufflepuff is for the people that have tolerance, loyalty, fair play, and don’t mind hard work.” Ludwig continued. “Ravenclaw if for the people with intelligence, creativity, learning, and wit.”

“Which houses do you guys want to get into?” Matthew asked.

Ludwig grinned and puffed out his chest. “Slytherin. It’s the house that our parents were in.”

“How do we get sorted?” Alfred asked.

Gilbert grinned. “Well you see. There is a flying dragon that you need to battle while being upside down in midair in front of everyone and-”

“Brother, stop scaring them.” Ludwig interrupted. He turned to Alfred and Matthew. “They place an enchanted hat on our heads and it sorts you.”

“Entertaining the mudbloods Ludwig and Gilbert?” a condescending voice asked.

The four of them looked up at where the compartment door had opened. Two blondes dressed in elegant robes stood there smirking. One blonde had his hair reach his shoulders and there was a shimmer in the air from him and his blue eyes. The other one had shorter hair, monstrous eyebrows, and green eyes.

“Kirkland. Bonnefoy.” Ludwig said coolly, nodding towards them.

Eager to make more friends Alfred immediately stood and extended his hand. “Hi. I’m Alfred and this is my brother Matthew.”

Neither one of them took the extended hand. Instead they lifted their faces slightly with their noses in the air.

“Francis Bonnefoy.” the one with shoulder length hair said.

“Arthur Kirkland.” the other said.

They turned their heads away from Alfred and Matthew and towards Ludwig and Gilbert.

“Why are you two talking with mudbloods?” Arthur asked. “Come to our compartment.”

“Alfred and Matthew are our friends.” Gilbert said coldly. “We aren’t leaving them.”

Francis looked baffled. “But…they aren’t purebloods. Not even half blood.”

Electricity started to crack within the small compartment around swirled around Ludwig.

“Get. Out.” he said clearly.

With another look of superiority shot at Alfred and Matthew Francis and Arthur immediately left.

“Sorry about that.” Ludwig apologized.

“What…what did he mean by pureblood and half-blood?” Matthew asked.

Gilbert and Ludwig shared a look.

“Pureblood means all wizarding blood. No muggle blood.” Ludwig said. “Half blood is one wizard or witch parent and one muggle.”

“And what are you guys?” Alfred asked.

“Pureblood.” Gilbert answered. “But we’re different from the others.”

“Our father raised us not to believe those kinds of ideals.” Ludwig added. “He said that he had seen what those beliefs can do.”

There was a knock at the door bringing them out of their conversation.

“If it’s them again I swear I am going to…” Gilbert mumbled as he opened the door.

Two different boys stood there. They were slightly similar in their appearance from their faces and to the curls on the side of their heads.

“Ludwig.” the younger one said happily before throwing himself at Ludwig.

“Hey Feliciano.” Ludwig said. “How are you?”

“I’m good! What about you?” Feliciano asked. His brother walked into the compartment as well and nodded towards Ludwig and Gilbert.

Feliciano finally noticed Alfred and Matthew and stood.

“Hi!” he said cheerfully. “My name is Feliciano Vargas and this is my brother Lovino.”

“I’m Alfred.” Alfred said. “And this is my brother Matthew.”

Feliciano grinned. “Nice to meet you guys. We can’t wait to get to Hogwarts and start everything.”

“What houses do you guys want to go to?” Matthew asked.

Lovino shrugged while Feliciano grabbed Ludwig’s arm and exclaimed “Whichever house that Ludwig wants to go to.”

england, fanfic, italy, france, au, canada, prussia, romano, crossover, america, aph, greece, germany

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