APH Fic Dreams aren't real chapter 8

Nov 26, 2010 01:56

Title: Dreams aren't real
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Germany, Prussia,
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: None I think
Summary: Ludwig has been having weird dreams lately. Of someone called Italy and calling him Germany. But those are just dreams right? They and the people in them aren't real right?

“For the love of g-d why won’t you die?” his boss asked.

Germany bit back a response as he spat out a mouthful of blood, the bullet hole in his neck healing.

He glanced at his brother who was in the same situation and was rubbing his mouth with the back of his hand and glaring at the other man holding the gun.

Then in a show of just to show off in their faces Prussia yawned loudly and smacked his lips.

“So…when are you guys going to get it? We don’t die.” Prussia said.

His new boss growled and signaled to the other men.

The guards brought up their guns once more.

Inwardly sighing Germany closed his eyes once more. It wasn’t something he enjoyed watching, his death.

He felt the metal pass through his neck and pass through the soft skin and muscle. He felt the iron taste of blood explode in his mouth as he fell to the ground. There was a moment of stillness of when his heart was still and his entire body stopped before the wound once again healed, replacing the broken and some missing skin and muscles and letting his heart restart once more and bring life back into his veins.

His boss looked like he was about to scream from frustration.

Ludwig opened his eyes.

He looked around for a moment, not remembering where he was before the newest memories came back.

He was on a plane with his brother and the president of Germany and the three of them were going to Germany.

With what has been going on lately Ludwig was sure that he would rather be in math class at the moment.

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He still wasn’t sure on what to believe memories or not.

Ludwig got out of his seat and stretched his arms. He glanced at Gilbert who was snoring quietly in his seat. Ludwig walked to the window and peered out of it watching the sky and the stars go by, the cities were simply lights below them.

Groaning lightly Ludwig walked and fell back into his seat. He rubbed his neck. For some reason it was starting to hurt him.

Right in the middle of his neck where his Adams apple was.

Germany rubbed his neck and frowned. Why was the neck a favorite of theirs exactly?

So far they have tried poison, shooting, snapping the neck, hanging, electricity, and fire as a way to kill him, his brother, and he was sure the other personification as well.

They called him and his brother inhuman however it seemed to Ludwig that they were the real inhuman ones by them keep doing this over and over again with the same result.

And his being raised by Prussia was starting to come up, something he has been trying to suppress since he was a kid.

“You know the definition of insanity is doing something the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time.” Germany nearly sneered.

That was definitely worth the kick to his stomach which broke a few ribs.

The plane landed.

Christian stood up and smiled at the two boys. “Leave your stuff here. It‘ll be brought to you later.”

Gilbert and Ludwig shared a glance at one another before following Christian off the plane.
It seemed that they were simply going from one mode of transportation to another.

Although this one was a bit more noticeable Ludwig thought to himself as he peered out the window from the limo.

Yes he and his brother were in a limo.

And they were going to apparently their house. A house they never knew of in Germany.

Nothing was making sense anymore.

“I‘m sure the two of you want to see whatever it in that house.” Christian had said. “There also might be pictures or something that might jog your memories in there.”

A house that hadn’t been disturbed or touched in the last fifty or so years.

Ludwig felt a shudder go down his back when he thought of the dust that must’ve accumulated there.

Gilbert had nearly fainted when Ludwig had informed him that television hadn’t been invented fifty years ago and therefore he doubted there would be a television there. And even if there had been there was no electricity in the house at the time for the television to work.

The car stopped and the guards opened the door for the two brothers. Ludwig thanked them as he got out of the car and looked at the house.

It was…

“So what do you think bruder?” Germany asked slightly proudly.

Prussia looked around once more, turning in a complete circle. He looked at his younger brother and shrugged.

“Meh. It’s a house. What do you want from it?” Prussia said.

Germany rolled his eyes. “Brother it’s…”

“So this is home huh?” Gilbert asked.

Ludwig blinked and looked at the house once more.

“What do you think about it?” Ludwig asked.

Gilbert shrugged. “It’s a house. What do you want from it?”

Ludwig nodded. “I had a feeling that you would say that.”
Ludwig blinked. Then he blinked again. Then once more just to be safe.

Dust. There was dust everywhere. Everywhere. Everywhere.

“You know the corner of your eye is twitching.” Gilbert said from his place on the stairs.

Ludwig walked into the living room trying to ignore all the dust everywhere.

He sneezed. Ignore. Just ignore it all.

“Okay then. Fifty years ago. What the hell was there fifty years ago?” Gilbert asked walking behind him.

“There was…radio. Black and white pictures. Paintings.” Ludwig said.

Gilbert nodded. “So it was full of boring bullshit.” Gilbert said.

Gilbert flopped unto the couch and coughed from the dust cloud that arose.

Ludwig watched the dust cloud which disappeared a few moments later and fought the urge to grab the cell phone given to them and demand that either they be sent somewhere else or for a group of people come here and help them clean the house.

They did say that they could call for anything.

Seemingly sensing this from his younger sibling Gilbert jumped up from the couch, took Ludwig by the wrist and pulled him towards the stairs.

“Let’s see the rest of the house.” Gilbert said.

They walked to the second floor of the house. Ludwig pulled out a flashlight and turned it on. The hallway wasn’t that long. The floor was carpentered. The walls had paintings on them.

Gilbert had stopped in front of one of the paintings and simply stared at it.

“Gilbert?” Ludwig asked walking up to him.

His brother didn’t answer. His eyes seemed rather vacant as he looked at the old portrait.

Ludwig shined the light on the painting. The paint was old and if it wasn’t for the protection from the glass it would’ve peeled off. The man held himself as a king. His eyes almost perceived through the very picture and glass itself yet they also had a kind look in them at the moment. He had white hair, a bit darker than his brothers, and the corners of his lips were lifted as if he had been fighting a smile when this portrait was made.

There was a name plague underneath the glass. Ludwig glanced at it.

‘King Frederick the Second. King of Prussia.’

Ludwig glanced at his brother again. Gilbert hadn’t moved a single inch since he had seen the portrait.

“Brother?” Ludwig asked gently shaking Gilbert.

When Gilbert didn’t answer Ludwig shook his harder. “Bruder!”

That seemed to snap the elder out of his trance. He blinked slowly and looked at Ludwig.


“Are you okay?” Ludwig asked.

Gilbert slowly nodded. He gave one more glance at the portrait before stepping away.

“Come on. Let’s see the rest of the place.” Gilbert said pulling his brother by the arm.

The two came to door. Ludwig opened it and first put the flashlight in the room before entering it.

Gilbert and Ludwig looked around the room. Gilbert nodded and said “This feels empty and devoid of life and full of order and stick-up-the-assness. This must be your room.”

Ludwig rolled his eyes. “Thank you for that brother.”

“No need to thank me.”

Ludwig drew the flashlight around the room. He stopped when something glinted in the darkness from the nightstand next to the bed.

Walking over to the nightstand Ludwig shined on the top of it.

A black cross necklace shined back at him.

Ludwig picked up the necklace in his right hand. He used his thumb to wipe the dust on it away. Feeling something on the back he flipped it over.

‘Gott ist mit uns.’ was carved into the back.

G-d is with us.

“Lud? You coming?” Gilbert asked already out the door.

Ludwig glanced at his brother.

“Yes, be right there.” he said.

Without knowing why he pocketed the necklace.

Ludwig reentered the hallway. Gilbert was about to open one of the across from the first one when Ludwig stopped him.

“That’s only a guest room.” he said.

Gilbert glanced at him slightly amused. “How do you know?”

“I have a feeling.” Ludwig answered.

He instead went to the one right next to the first one and opened it.

Entering it the two looked around again.

This one had two paintings in it. The first was of the man that Gilbert couldn’t turn away from in the hallway, Frederick the Second, standing next to…his brother who was wearing a knight-style army uniform.

Tearing his gaze away from the first portrait Ludwig turned to the second. This one wasn’t any better. It was another one of his brother wearing similar looking clothing’s from the first one and what seemed to be a younger version of himself wearing a miniature version of Gilbert’s uniform.

“Okay I‘m starting to get somewhat creped out.” Gilbert said, looking around the rest of the room.

“Oh my g-d! I think I just saw something move.” Gilbert suddenly screeched and pointing towards the bed.

Ludwig whirled around and pinned the light from the flashlight onto the bed.

“…is that…a bird?” Ludwig slowly asked.

And true to the statement a little yellow bird, about the size of his fist, flew from the bedcovers and onto one of the beds wooden posts.

The two brothers and the little bird stared at one another before the bird gave what seemed to be a happy chirp, flew over to Gilbert, landed in his hair, and settled there comfortably.

“Looks like you made a new friend brother.” Ludwig said, biting back a laugh.

“Shut up.” Gilbert said cautiously touching the bird.

The bird gave another happy chirp.

Sighing Gilbert put his hand down. “Might as well let him stay there for now.” he mumbled.

Chuckling quietly Ludwig leaded them back out the hallway.

“Lets see. There are a couple more rooms, most likely more guestrooms, probably a bathroom or two, and maybe an attic.” Gilbert said. “Should we do more exploration or should we go into town and look around?”

“How about we stay here and clean two bedrooms seeing as we are going to have to sleep here.” Ludwig said.

Gilbert pouted but didn’t say anything.

“How are we going to do that? Last I checked we don’t have any cleaning supplies with us.” Gilbert said.
After a few hours of cleaning, the two were later eating food delivered by a helpful and thoughtful guard. Chinese food of all things.

“At least it’s something we‘re familiar with.” Gilbert said, slurping the noodles.

Ludwig scrunched his nose at the noise and chooses to bite into an egg roll rather than comment.

Glancing to the side of the table, that was now thankfully dust clean, the little yellow bird was also eating some of the noodles.

“I don’t think we can keep the bird bruder.” Ludwig said.

Gilbert shrugged. “I don’t even know if I want to.”

The bird gave a chirp when Gilbert said that.

“Can…can it understand what we‘re saying?” Ludwig asked.

“Maybe. He seems to be a smart bird.” Gilbert said.

The two continue to eat in silence, both rather reluctant to finish eating.

Once they were done the Ludwig placed the trash into the bag it came in and then hesitated. Where did they put it?

Gilbert groaned. “Give it to me.” he said snatching the bag from his brother’s hands. He went outside for a moment and when he came back he no longer had the bag.

Deciding not to ask Ludwig walked back up the stairs and into the second bedroom which they had almost finished cleaning.
Ludwig landed on what seemed to be his bed in a huff. He felt a slight pride when he looked around the room and there was more dust covering the surfaces.

He lay back on the beds covers for some reason not feeling a bit tired even though it was in the middle of the night.

He sighed and rubbed his head with the back of his hand, before remembering the necklace in his pocket.

He pulled it out and inspected it once more. Thanks to the moonlight he could easily see the shape and makings of it. The silver metal around the black metal which shaped the cross itself. The equal lengths on each side. The engraving on the other side. The strong and thick leather cord around it.

He hesitated for a moment as he sat up on the bed. He slowly pulled the cord around his neck and fastened it.

The heavy weight…

Prussia slowly put the necklace around his younger brother’s neck.

The little boy didn’t move as he watched the elder silently tie the cord.

“Remember West.” Prussia said quietly. “This ties us together. You and me. Brothers until the end.”

Germany cupped his small hands around his new necklace. Feeling something on the back he flipped it over and read the words on the back.

“Gott ist mit uns.” Germany read.

“That’s right.” Prussia said nodding. “G-d is always with us. In our happiest and our darkest times no matter what. Besides each other we need to trust in Him.”

…was oddly familiar and reassuring.

Ludwig was suddenly overcome with a desire to be next to his brother.

Without stopping to sort out his emotions Ludwig left the bed and walked to his brother’s room.

Germany padded through the hallway quietly and opened the door.

“Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” came the voice of his older brother from his bed.

Germany didn’t answer. Instead he walked across the room and at the edge of the bed he climbed under the covers until he was next to his brother at the head of the bed.

Prussia rolled his eyes.

“You’re getting way too big for this.” he said.

Germany smiled and snuggled closer to his brother who in turn put his arm around his younger brother and pulled him close.

“Can’t sleep?” Gilbert asked slightly amused.

Ludwig blinked. He hadn’t realized that he had entered Gilbert’s room that fast.

Neither brother said anything as Ludwig walked to Gilbert’s bed and slowly lay down next to his brother.

The both of them laid their heads on the pillows. Their hands came in between their bodies and entwined as the two fell asleep.

“Good night bruder.” Germany whispered.

“Good night West.” Prussia whispered back.

prussia, fanfic, au, aph, germany

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