APH Fic Through Time chapter 9

Nov 22, 2010 01:37

Title: Through Time
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Russia, America, RussiaxAmerica, Cold War!Russia, Cold War!America, Canada, Ukraine, New York, Alaska
Rating: T ...I think.
Warnings: None?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: An Alfred and Ivan in the future who are in a loving relationship are blasted to the past during the Cold War where Alfred wakes up in Ivan of the Cold Wars bed and Ivan wakes up in Alfreds of the Cold Wars bed.

Emily rocked back and forth on the ground with her arms around her knees. Alex watched her silently.

All of a sudden she stood up and started to pace around the room, muttering to herself.

She looked around the room and her eyes settled on the desk that was against the wall. She silently walked to it and looked through its drawers.

She finally pulled out a letter opener. She held it in her hand for a moment and simply looked at it before bringing it to her other hand and running it across her palm.

Alex sprung to his feet and ran to her. He yanked the letter opener from her hand and threw it back on the desk and stared at the cut across her palm and waited for it to heal like their wounds always did.

It wasn’t healing.

Emily nodded as though she expected that.

“We don’t have the connection.” she said softly.

Alex looked at her. “What?”

“Our connection to the land that makes us personifications.” she said. “We don’t have it anymore. It’s gone.”

Alex swallowed the lump rising in his throat. “But that’s not possible. We‘re in the past and we-”

“And we‘re in a timeline where we didn’t exist.” Emily finished.

She sat back down on the floor and continued while simply examining the wound on her hand “Papa and otets still have their connection to the land because in this time they still existed, their Cold War selves exist and are them. But we didn’t come until sometime in the 2000‘s not the 1900‘s. The land is there but it doesn’t have a personification.”

Emily looked at a stricken Alex. “Al…for as long as we are here we are as vulnerable as any other human. We are humans for as long as we are here.”
Matthew tapped his fingers on the table counter as he watched Ekaterina talk on the phone with Toris.

“You are sure that you haven’t heard from either one of them?” she asked once more.

She listened to whatever Toris was saying on the other line before sighing. “Alright then. Sorry to bother you.”

She ended the call and placed her cell phone back into her pocket and turned to Matthew.

“Toris, Eduard, and Raivis said that they haven’t heard a single thing from either one of them in a few days.” she said.

Matthew nodded. “Arthur, Francis, Ludwig, and both Italian brother have said the same thing.”

The two fell into silence before Ekaterina said hesitantly “Maybe I should try to call Natalya. She might know where at least Ivan is.”

Matthew shifted in his seat. Natalya had made no secret of her hatred of Ivan’s marriage to Alfred. She loved the kids but hated Alfred no matter what Ivan did to try to make her change her mind. She just barely gave her blessing on their wedding day and that was only because she saw how happy Ivan was.

Ekaterina took out her cell phone once more and dialed her sister’s number. She waited a few moments until she said “Natalya? Its me.” she listened to whatever Natalya said before asking “Tell me. Has Ivan called you lately or said anything about going somewhere.”

However Natalya answered it caused a frown to go on Ekaterina’s face. “No, no everything’s fine. I was just wondering if you knew anything.”

She nodded in response to whatever Natalya said before saying goodbye and hanging up.

“Nothing?” Matthew guessed.

“Nothing.” she confirmed.

Matthew sighed and pulled out a GPS. “I had kinda hoped that it wouldn’t come to this.”

Ekaterina raised an eyebrow in amusement. “What are you planning on doing?”

Matthew grinned at her. “Back sometime in 2003 Alfred decided to go missing, voluntarily, to see who could find him first. Naturally for some of us it caused a huge panic and we thought he had been kidnapped. So after beating him to the ground with my hockey stick when we found him, Francis won that one by the way, I secretly installed a tracking chip inside of him to make sire that if he ever went missing again I at least would be able to find him.”

Ekaterina covered her mouth with her hand but her shoulders racked with laughter. “You put a tracking chip into your own brother?”

Matthew smiled sheepishly. “I‘ve been meaning to get it out, or at least tell him, but I never got around to it. And right now I‘m kinda glad I didn’t.”

Matthew pressed the power on and waited for the GPS to finish loading before pressing the code for the chip in Alfred’s arm that he had implanted. He waited patiently as the GPS searched for the location.


He blinked in surprise and checked if he had put the correct code in. It seemed to be right but to make sure.

He went into memories and clicked the one labeled ‘Alfred’ and waited once more.


Matthew was silent for a moment before turning the GPS off and looking at Ekaterina.

“Okay…now I‘m starting to get worried.”
Russia stared at the two children from the hallway. The little girl with his eyes. The little boy with America’s eyes.

And according to the one who called himself his future self they were also his children.

Their love for him, his future self at least, was evident. They were constantly hugging him and calling him father, in Russian no less when America had called his language the language of uncivilized barbarians. He had seen himself smiling, something he thought he had forgotten to do, and hugging them as well. Hugging America and kissing him.

And from he believed the entire household heard from last night having sex with him as well.

He heard footsteps behind him. He turned his head over his shoulder to see that it was his future self standing there and watching him.

“Something wrong?” Ivan asked.

Russia shook his head and turned back to look at the children, who were speaking in hushed tones, once more.

Ivan crossed his arms and leaned against the wall and looked at the children as well.

The two stayed like that in silence for a moment before Russia broke it by saying “They are beautiful.”

Ivan nodded. “I know. The two joys of my life beside Alfred.”

Russia cringed when Ivan mentioned Alfred. Ivan chuckled when he saw that.

“You of all people should understand my emotions towards him.” Ivan said.

“And you of all people should understand my emotions to him right now.” Russia countered.

The two looked at one another. Russia noted how relaxed and happy his other self was compared to the stress that was coursing through his body for the past couple decades.

Russia looked at the children once more. “So that is the future?”

Ivan smiled and nodded. “Yes it is.”

Russia turned and walked away so that no one besides himself was able to see the small smile on his face.
America ran his fingers through his hair. His future self, a communist, what seemed to be an ex-communist, two kids from the future that seemed to be his children and states, and his present boyfriend all in the same house.

If he didn’t know any better he would have sworn that Tony had been playing a joke on him.

“Needing a drink?” he heard a voice behind him ask.

Turning he saw his own future self standing there with a bottle of one of his more expensive drinks and two glasses in his hand.

He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to feel angry for the guy going through his things and taking one of his drinks or not feeling anything because it is him, just from the future.

Without waiting for an answer he placed the two glasses on the table and filled them.

Alfred picked up his glass and raised it in a toast to the other before draining half of it in one gulp.

America slowly picked his glass up and slowly sipped from it, relishing the slight burn it gave as it slid down his throat.

The two stared at one another, America with an emotionless look and Alfred with a small smile on his face.

“I‘m with England.” America said suddenly.

Alfred kept smiling. “I know.”

“So how the hell do I even break up with England and get with Russia of all people?” America asked.

“You‘ll see.”

“What about everything else in our life?” America asked.

“Like what?”


“Matt gave his blessing. He was my best man at the wedding and I‘m going to be his. Which is in a month or so.” Alfred said.

American blinked in surprise. “Matt’s getting married? To who?”

“Not saying.” Alfred said grinning.

“Alright then what about England?”

“Not telling.”

“The trip I usually take around the states?” America asked.

Alfred chuckled. “I still take it. When Ivan and I were simply together and when we got married we went together. I remember the first time, that was the first time Ivan was on a motorcycle and he held onto me like his life depended on it. Those trips were amazing though.”

He put his arm on the armrest of the chair and balanced his head in his hand and obtained a dreamy look on his face. “When the kids were born and it was time for the trip Ivan told me to go alone and he‘ll look after the children. I did go but I came back a few days later. It just didn’t feel right without Ivan and the kids coming with me. So instead of going on the motorcycle alone it was Ivan, myself, and the kids in one of our cars. More comfortable than a motorcycle during the night and rain. And much more fun.”

“You can’t go the bars with the kids.” America said.

“True.” Alfred agreed. “But instead we went to the other places that were kid friendly. Like amusement parks or carnivals or something else. I did miss some of the drinking but listening to their laughter and joy and seeing Ivan so happy was enough for me.”

The two stared at one another in silence once more.

“This isn’t going to happen.” America said.

Alfred picked up his glass and drained what remained in it.

“We‘ll see.”

fanfic, au, russia, new york, america, aph, state-tan, time travel, alaska

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