APH Fic Hidden Love chapter 9

Sep 24, 2010 01:15

Title: Hidden Love
Author/Artist: Me.
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FelicianoxLouisexKiku, IvanxAllison, FrancisxMadison, BerwaldxTiina, TorisxFelicja, GilbertxElizaveta, Im Yong SooxYan, LovinoxIsabella
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: Genderbending. Kissing in this chapter
Summary: The World Academy has always been laking female students so the Headmaster has the incoming freshman pretend to be girls with endings that no one expected.

Louise squirmed slightly and emitted a small gasp every few seconds. Hands that weren’t her own held her in place on the persons lap. One was around her waist and the other was stroking her inner thighs.

Another set of hands were at her breasts and were squeezing them gently. She gave a slight whimper as a pair of lips claimed hers. Another set of lips kissed her shoulder and neck gently as the hands started to head towards where the heat was greatest.

‘Kiku. Feliciano.’ Louise thought dimly.

Ludwig awoke with a fright sitting up in bed.

His shirt was covered in sweat as he tried to catch his breathe. His mind unwillingly went back towards the dream.

The two pairs of hands. The lips. The touches.

Ludwig blushed and shifted on the bed. A quick look at his body showed that he was still a female.

He shifted his legs slightly. Thankfully his period had passed and it was no longer an issue.

He lay back in his bed and sighed heavily. What had happened yesterday…he still couldn’t get his mind wrapped around it.

Feliciano had kissed him.

And then Kiku had kissed not moments later.

And he had enjoyed it.

And he had kissed them back.

He groaned and buried his face into his pillow. It was Christmas Day, he shouldn’t be thinking about these kind of things.
Tino smiled as he finished walking around the corridors. He had just finished delivering his own presents to everyone in the school.

Ah it was Christmas. The one day he looked forward to more than any other day of the year.

He hummed a happy song and wasn’t paying attention to where he was going; he didn’t really have a destination in mind anyway.

He peered into his bag that had contained the gifts. There was still one more in there that he needed to deliver.

When he turned the corner he bumped into something and fell to the ground from the sudden collision.

Or rather someone.

Looking up he saw Berwald Oxenstierna standing there and looking down at him.

Tino felt a shiver run down his spine. This was the last guy on his list that he had to deliver a present to.

And also the guy he had a crush on.

Tino froze when Berwalds gaze caught his own.

“You okay?” he mumbled.

Mutely Tino nodded his head. Why? Oh why does he have to have a crush on this guy of all people in the school? Why not Arthur? Or even Gilbert would be better.

Wouldn’t it?

Berwald offered his hand to Tino who accepted it and allowed the taller man to pull him up. Berwald looked at the bag in Tinos hands.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Oh! It’s my presents for everyone. I‘m almost finished delivering them.” Tino said, twisting the fabric through his fingers slightly.

He quickly reached into the bag and took out the last gift and held it towards Berwald. “This…this is for you. I was just on my way to give it to you.”

Berwald was silent for a moment before reaching out and taking the gift.

“Thanks.” he mumbled.

Tino smiled and said “You’re welcome!”

“Come with me. I gotta give you your present.” Berwald said.

Tino blushed slightly. “You-you didn’t have to get me a present.”

“Wanted to.”

Smiling slightly Tino fell into rhythm with Berwalds large strides. Taking a deep breath he gathered his courage and took Berwalds hand in his.

Berwald immediately blushed but held Tinos hand tighter in his own.
Ludwig slid out of his bed and started to pace around the room. Pacing helped him think. That’s what he needed to do. Think about this rationally. Rationally.

Hands sliding over her body.


Groaning he was distracted for a moment at the note on his floor near the door.

He picked it up and read its contents:

Your presents are outside your door. When you wake up bring them in.

He had more presents? Opening his door he saw true to the notes word there was a small pile of presents apparently addressed for him.

Smiling he picked them up and carried them into his room and placed them on his bed.

There was one from Daniel, Matthew, Gilbert, his father and mother, Francis, Alfred, Yao, Tino, and of course the two from Kiku and Feliciano from yesterday.

From Gilbert, his wonderful brother, had somehow managed to sneak in two 2 liter bottles of beer. Ludwig immediately opened one and downed a quarter of it.

Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand he placed the two bottles in his desk drawer and returned to the other presents.

He hesitated before reaching for Kikus present and opening it.

It was…clothes. A strange robe kind of clothing.

A kimono he realized.

Kiku had given him a kimono.

“I…I can’t wear this.” Ludwig whispered as he threw it to the side.

He almost immediately picked it back up once more. “Wait I can’t do that. Kiku gave it to me.”

He felt the fabric on his fingers as they brushed over it.

Sighing he pulled off the clothes he was wearing and, somehow, pulled the kimono on. He fixed the front and checked the back to make sure it was all in order. He spotted some chopsticks in the box the kimono came with including instructions on how to use them.

He picked them up and went to the bathroom.
Kiku was startled out of his thoughts at a knocking at the door. He got out of his bed and opened the door.

He felt his jaw fall slightly as the sight in front of him.

There was Louise in the kimono he had gotten her and with her hair done in a Japanese fashion using the chopsticks.

Granted the chopsticks were crooked but that wasn’t important.

“Um…hi.” she said quietly.

Kiku nodded not taking his eyes off of her.

She blushed as her hands gripped the side of the kimono. “I just thought that I should show you that I like your present.”

“You look beautiful in it.” Kiku said quietly.

Louise blushed and gripped the fabric tighter.

“Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for the present.” she said, before turning around and starting to leave.

Kiku grabbed her arm and pulled her into his bedroom. Before she could utter a single sound he pushed her against the wall slightly with his own body and covered her lips with his own.

She gasped in surprise which caused her mouth to open. Kiku didn’t hesitate as his tongue slid over her lips and through them to find her own tongue.
He was kissing him

He was kissing him again.

And Ludwig was letting him.

Worst of all he was kissing Kiku back!

Ludwig let out a combination of a whimper and a moan as Kiku angled his head to the side and continued to kiss him.

Ludwig closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax. His and Kikus tongues were curled around each other. Kiku had his hands in Ludwigs whose was against the wall and his body was pressing against Ludwigs. The chopsticks in his hair fell to the floor.

Heat started to spread through him making him more and more relaxed. He was suddenly aware of Kikus hands starting to touch his neck and throat and start to slide down.

He pushed her gently towards his bed. Ludwig felt like he was having an out of body experience, something pulled him until he laid back on the bed before Kiku climbed on top on him and continued to kiss.

Their bodies writhed against the other before they found a comfortable position for the both of them.

Ludwigs hands came to rest at Kikus face and pressed him against himself. Kikus hands continued their previous action of exploring his body.

Ludwig found himself dimly grateful that he had a female’s body for the first time.

Kiku found his breasts through the cloth and gently squeezed them. Ludwig moaned through the kiss. He broke apart to throw his head back against the pillows. Kiku started to kiss his neck and leaving slight marks on the pale skin.

They were both startled out of their daze when they heard a gasp coming from the door.

Ludwig looked over Kiku and Kiku looked over his shoulder at the source of the sound.

Feliciano stood there in shock.

…*blushes and runs away*

How did I do with…that scene? I never wrote limes and I’m kinda hoping to write a lemon for the future chapters for this story.

genderbended, italy, finland, au, aph, femgermany, germany, sweden, japan

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