APH Fic Through Time chapter 6

Sep 24, 2010 01:15

Title: Through Time
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Russia, America, RussiaxAmerica, Cold War!Russia, Cold War!America, Canada
Rating: T ...I think.
Warnings: Um...Ivan and Alfred are kissing and touching here but nothing explict happens.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: An Alfred and Ivan in the future who are in a loving relationship are blasted to the past during the Cold War where Alfred wakes up in Ivan of the Cold Wars bed and Ivan wakes up in Alfreds of the Cold Wars bed.

Ivan sighed as he and the Soviet Union and England finally finished their small meeting. There was good news. There was a way to get home and all it took was some time for that to happen.

The bad news was that it requires two days for the magic.

The magic knew instantly when parts of it had been activated by accident and would immediately set itself to fixing it.

But it still took time for it to gain enough power to fix it.

Ivan hated this. He hated being in the past, especially since it was this time period of hatred and fear.

A time where Alfred hated him.

Ivan knew that it was the past and that there was no changing it. Everything always happened for a reason after all. There was no denying that he had truly hated and wished to destroy Alfred F. Jones.

But that time was gone for him. It was long gone and hidden. Those feelings had been replaced with something better for both him and Alfred and loving.

He knew very well the look of hatred that can come into his eyes when he is angry or wanting to hurt someone.

He had never been on the opposite side of that gaze and felt a chill go down his spine when he saw it.

How on earth did Alfred come to love him even with that look in his eyes?

It also scared the children. When Emily and Alex saw the past him they had immediately cowered behind him and Alfred in fright and would occasionally peer out to see if Soviet Union had calmed down.

Ivan leaned down and picked up Emily who immediately grabbed his shirt and pulled herself closer to him.

She might look like Alfred, though she had his eyes, but she was closer to him than Alfred. He was the one she always came to first and loved to be with the most.

Alex on the other hand was Alfreds little shadow child. Even though they were nothing alike Alex for some reason went to Alfred first.

It was just a stage children went through when they favored one parent over the other slightly.

Ivan and Alfred however loved the both of them equally and never showed one more attention or love than the other.

Emily snuggled closer to him and sighed happily.

Ivan smiled at her and went to find Alfred. He had a lot to say to him about the situation.
Alfred laughed as Alex tackled him to the ground. He faked losing strength and when Alex believed he had won Alfred started to tickle him. Alex laughed and tried to get away from Alfred.

“Papa! Stop! Please!” Alex cried out slightly happily.

Taking pity on the small boy Alfred stopped and picked Alex up and placed him on his shoulders.

“Careful or you will fall.” a familiar voice said.

Both father and son turned to the source and grinned when they saw Ivan with Emily in his arms.

They placed both children on the ground. Alex and Emily ran towards each other and began to immediately wrestle on the ground.

Ivan and Alfred smiled at their children. Somehow Ivans and Alfreds hands found one another. Alfred closed his eyes in bliss.

Ivan was by his side once more. Both of their children were back and safe and sound.

The only thing that was bad was that they were stuck in a past where they hated each other.

But they would get home. As long as Alfred had his family everything would be fine.
The moment the kids left the room Alfred leaped at Ivan. He wasted no time with locking their lips together and taking off their clothes as fast as they could.

“Dorogoy.” Ivan murmured as his hands slide over Alfreds body leaving a trail of fire on Alfreds body.

Alfred tilted his head back as Ivan continued to lick and suck at Alfreds neck remembering each and every sensitive spot.

Alfred grinned at Ivan and pulled off their boxers in two sweeps.

Ivan hesitated for a moment. “We don’t have any lube.” he said.

“Fuck lube. Fuck me now.” Alfred grunted.

Ivan grinned at Alfred before kissing him once more and pushing him into the bed.
Emily sighed. She was bored. There was still a long time left before they were going to be able to return home. She had first hand experience on how slow time went, especially when it was late at night and she was waiting for everyone else to wake up.

She blew her bangs away from her forehead; they were starting to get into her eyes. She would have to cut them again soon.

She wished she was back home. Where Uncle Matt knew who they were and always brought them sweet maple syrup. Where Aunt Katsuya would come over with some sort of toys and sweets of her own. Aunt Natalya would bring sunflowers, mostly for her, Alex, and Otets. Sometimes she ignored papa completely. Aunt Maria would come from the south and bring all sorts of goodies.

She sighed again as she thought on how she had been helping Aunt Katsuya plan her wedding. She and Uncle Matt had finally gotten engaged and set the date. Emily was the flower girl and Alex was the ring bearer. It was the second time that they would be the flower girl and the ring bearer. The first time was at Mister Germanys and Italys wedding.

She didn’t like being here. She knew that they were in the past and that papa and otets didn’t always like each other.

But seeing their past selves glaring at each other, and not the way she and Alex were used to seeing over the dinner table, and looking like they wanted to choke the life out of the other.

She and Alex had learned magic from otets for years now and they had a slight grasp on it. They had also discovered their soul’s powers. When Emily would get older she would be able to see a certain amount of time into the future. For now she could somewhat see into the future but not visions but rather emotions. The entire power would come slowly to her.

When her curiosity peaked highest she decided to look into what the future would slightly hold.

What she saw scared her slightly.

Despair. Sadness. Anger. Rage. Hopelessness. Emptiness.

The last one scared her badly.

Although there was something else there as well.

Hope. There was a feeling of hope among all those negative emotions.

Emily shivered slightly and wrapped her arms around her body.

She wanted to go home soon.
Alex bit his lip as he concentrated.

Emily might have the power of seeing bits and pieces of the future but he had his own gift.

It was a good side of magic. Healing magic. Certain other types of the good and light side of magic.

However he and Emily were close. Their hearts, minds, and souls were nearly entwined as one and they were nearly in tune with the other. One felt what the other was feeling and what the other was thinking. Even though there was a year age difference between them it never seemed like it.

Alex thought back on what he learned from Emily looking into the future.

This wasn’t good. Oh no this wasn’t good.

He was scared.

Head-canon states that each person, magical or not, has a special power etched onto their souls and if they are able to use the magic they would be able to find their power and use it.

au, russia, new york, america, aph, state-tan, time travel, alaska

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