Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
- I don't care if you forgive me anymore.
- I'm not impressed.
- I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.
- you shouldnt have let spock raise us.
- thank you.
- i wish i could tell you how much you mean to me. i can never find the words.
- late at night i want to call you and just bullshit.
- you girls are the best friends I've ever had.
- I cannot imagine you not being here. Please take good care of yourself because we need you. I feel like you always understand and you always like me. If you're not here, what will I do? Please please take good care of yourself.
- Thank you for all that you've done for our starting family. I feel so calm and good when I see you. You remind me how genuine people can be.
Nine Things About Myself:
- I love my kid, my husband and my father..
- i'm surrounded by wonderful men.
- I'm learning not to hold grudges..
- I laugh at myself a lot.
- I'm usually not a good cook.
- I would never survive as a vegetarian.
- I don't like chocolate very much.
- I'm very comfortable with my body and my weight.
- I love having great girlfriends..
Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
- love Britton.
- just hug me when I'm sad and/or bitchy..
- randomly dance to no music with me.
- talk. just talk.
- laugh really loud.
- listen. just really listen.
- understand that I am your girlfriend/friend/wife and not your mom.
- like me at my worst and at my best.
- be my husband becuase no one else could ever have my heart.
Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot (not in any order):
- sleep
- reading
- Britton
- Joshhua
- my girlfriends
- homework
- housework
Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
- put Josh to bed.
- put Britton to bed
- clean the house
- chat online with Ashley
- turn off all the lights and TV
- lotion feet.
Five People Who Mean A Lot (and limited to 5 is shitty because I like way more people can that and alot more people mean alot to me):
- Brit
- Josh
- Dad
- Vicki
- Lisa
Four Things I'm Wearing Right Now:
- dark pink and light pink striped shirt
- black gaucho pants (whatever I love these pants)
- nursing bra
- a kick ass wedding ring.
Three Songs I Listen to A Lot:
- You can have whatever you like - TI
- Sweet Carolina - Ryan Adams
- Come pick me up - Ryan Adams
Two Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
- stay married for 50 years
- raise beautiful, healthy and smart children.
One Confession
I love the new Britney Spears song.
but like a lot.