Haven't posted in a while, partly due to lack of a computer, partly due to lack of anything to write about. For that reason, I've put it behind a cut, just for you!!!
Sorry this is going to be long and boring, but when I have nothing to do and have read my meager collection of books, I will most likely post about random, bored stuff.
I'm supposed to start trying to find a job for the short time that I am at home. It's not that I don't want a job/money, it's that for the next 3 weeks I'm only home half the time anyway, and then it's only a month that I can really work until I get back to NKU. It just doesn't seem fair to a future employeer to tell them I'm only able to work for such a short time, or on the reverse, lie to them and then give two weeks notice after I've only worked two weeks. I'm not about to do that to someone; it would just not be right.
My time at home has been fairly uneventful so far. I came home Saturday and went to a derby party with Rachel (didn't get to the party until after the race; had no idea who even was running). Spent that evening drinking something tropical with ALOT of alcohol in it. She ended up driving my car to her house where I crashed until waking up the next morning.
Spent Mother's day with my mom, duh. I had planned on making one of her favorite dishes, manicotti, but she called me and said she jsut wanted Wendy's instead. So I bought Wendy's. She had a foal born on Friday; he was very cute to look at. One of her friends says she should name him Oakley b/c he was born on Oaks, but that would be a stupid name for him; he's too handsome she says, lol.
Monday I drove up to NKU with my dad to meet with B/Shannon and go to the NKY Convention center/planning thing for SAACURH stuff. They were very willing to help, which was sweet!! They're doing a nice portion of the grunt work for us, and even better, for free.
Tuesday nothing much happened. Did nothing all day except give Bailey a bath and then went to Paul's (Paul has fun hair) that night and watched some great movies. Garden State, Big Fish and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Enjoyed them all thoroughly. ESSM definetly had me questioning whether I would ever want any of my memories to be erased. I decided no, regardless of how much they hurt to reflect upon b/c they make me who I am and you have to take the good and the bad in life or else it really isn't life as God intend. We are not supposed to be able to float through life with no problems or pains. Part of life if the pain and sorrow that you must suffer.
Wednesday I slept in until 3:30 in the afternoon. Very enjoyable indeed. Woke up and dropped off some film at Wal-Mart then went to the library and found out I can not check out anything because my dad never returned some books I checked out at Christmas and now they are lost in the abyss that is my basement. It was a shame too; I had Robert Jordan, Robin Hobbs and Terry Goodkind all in my arms and had to give them up. My reading selection has narrowed drastically because of this. I may try to get a Jefferson COunty PL card just so I don't go insane this summer with nothing to read.
I then received a call at 11:45 PM, inviting me to a party. Once again, it was only a small group of 8 people sitting around smoking weed. I stayed for a bit but then left. I've had my fill of that for quite a while, quite possibly even forever. I'm not quite sure yet, but I know atleast for a time being I will not be hanging aorund those friends.
Today was pretty much nothing. I slept in until 4:30, woke up, read and looked up information for the Scottish festival this weekend at General Butler. If anyone is interested in going, I'm probably heading out to it Sunday afternoon after church. It runs from 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM, but you don't need more than a few hours there to see it all and enjoy it. Anyone interested, please call me!!! It's much more fun when you go with other people, lol. My hope is to see the guy in the pink and purple tartan plaid!!
Now I'm off to check my chickens. Yes, check my chickens. I'm in the process of learning how to grill, courtesy of my father. I have yet to burn anything beyond recognition.