It's behind the cut, duh.
Which of your friends do you think is most like you?
Rachel. We're just like sisters, have common intersts and balance each other quite nicely
Which of your friends do you think is least like you?
David b/c he's very quiet and anti-social
What's the #1 thing that attracts you to another person?
I absolutely love backs/shoulders. But that's just initial attraction; gotta have mental capabilities as well
If you could follow one band on tour...who would it be?
NOt a band, but Tina Turner
What song would you pick to sum up the last year of your life?
What's Love got to do with it, tina turner
What song would you pick to sum up the last 4 years?
Unanswered Prayers; Garth Brooks. THere are so many things I remember wanting/wishing for and never getting. I'm now quite thankful that I didn't get them, just as the song talks about
Which of your friends would you want to be with in case of an impromptu bar brawl broke out?
Jon, Luke or Tamira; they're all little spit-fires
Which of your friends would you want to drive your getaway car after a bank robbery?
Rachel or my Brother, Adam
If you could actually be in a band...what kind of music would you want to play?
It wouldn't matter the style, as long as my lyrics were true to me and said what I wanted them to; yes, it is all about me
If you could ask one person, one thing that you've always wanted to know...who would it be and what would you ask?
I'd ask Daniel what would have happened?
If you could change one thing about your personality what would you change and why?
I wouldn't be so trusting of people. I've always had the attitude that unless you do something, I'll trust you with almost anything. Sadly, this trait doesn't work with today's society very well.
What would you say has been your biggest mistake to this point in your life?
My biggest mistake has definetly been not just going for things I want or taking chances, especially in terms of relationships or possible relationships
If you had to be stranded on a deserted island with only one person, who would you pick and why?
Mallory. SHe'd definetly keep me amused, make fun of out situation, bitch about it and would make good eats if she died first
What's one embarrassing story about yourself?
AS many know, I have no problem flashing. This developed in middle school. On a mini-field trip to our outside classroom, I was dared to go to the other side of the pond and flash. I did this and immedietly saw my male teacher looking right at me. One of the worst parts was that I sat right in front of him in class and we had 3 months left.
What dream have you had in the past that you feel best describes your personality?
I dreamt once about being a nurse, but quitting because I was afraid of failing someone. Sums me up because I like to help people, but I have a very large fear of failing or losing respect from my father.
If you could be any animal, what would you be?
I would be a little prissy dog, such as a poodle or boston terrier (like Grommet!!). I'm cute and cuddly, but if I get pissed or in a bad mood, watch out, lol.
****New Question**** What is one thing about yourself that you are proud about?
I'm proud of my ability to talk to and meet new people.
Now you fill this out, and add a question of your own!!!