Aug 05, 2006 01:00
So I've decided.
I'm not allowed to do drugs, so I'm going to go without sleep. Wire myself on coffee. And caffeine. And other things that are actually legal drugs produced for mass marketing.
Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee....
I am so happy tonight, I don't know what to do about it. I feel like I want to throw this happiness at other people and laugh in delight when they turn around, unsure of what hit them.
After the embarrassing and shameful debacle I myself previously went through involving Karen and Tansy, I feel all is right with the world. Therefore, I can now concentrate on the next step. College!
College college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college college....
I want to go somewhere with a nice theatre program. Or maybe television. I want to be a theatre major, you see. I love everything about it. How the actors are applauded, the impatience of the stage managers, the unrecognized yet incredible job of the tech crew, the incredible patience of the technical director and the unequaled patience of the play director, the way lights can destroy a show while sound can only scratch it... Theatre is my life. And NO, I have NEVER seen Wicked OR Rent. But I have seen Footloose. And I want to see Chicago.
Chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago chicago....
Life thus far has treated me well. I feel very good. Nice with the world.
Coffee college chicago coffee college chicago...
Never mind.