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Jul 24, 2009 21:15

Later that night (last Thursday) I did some meriting w/ TP (Phiera's party) on RDM, got 2 merits.  Then, I joined a /shout party for Nyzul floor 20, and we successfully beat the boss!  Nothing dropped except for a RNG bow.  Gogeto happened to be in the party.

Friday, I spent more time camping Charybdis.  Around mid-afternoon, after watching a DRG killing PHs, I /cheered him on.  Eventually, we started chatting and he offered to look for a tank, and we could team up and everyone could cast lots.  I agreed, but he never found anyone.  After a while, Charybdis popped, but he seeemed AFK.  I began asking TP for help, and Mazrim, Ainur, and Prophez offered to come.  Pro just happened to be on at the time (he's been AFK much lately due to school).  By the time they arrived though, another group had arrived and claimed the NM.  They were a large group, with 2 THFs and at least 3 or 4 mages.  However, they ended up wiping.  All their mages were down, and only one melee member got up.  We took the opportunity to nab the NM, but we ended up wiping as well!  We weren't well prepared, and I kept letting Mambo expire before reapplying.  Maz got killed by a very ill-timed special move while his shadows were down.

I was on BRD/WHM; I reraised, and began healing.  At this time, another mage arrived as part of the competing party.  He begins raising their party, but they had too many people to raise!  I was able to get Maz, Ainur, and Pro up, and we dove back into the party.  This time, we were better prepared.  Maz (THF/NIN) did an awesome job tanking.  The few times he dipped into yellow HP, I tossed a Cure III and Ainur cured even more with a Waltz.  Ainur spent most of the fight with back turned, applying Steps and only TPing occasionally.  Pro jumped in once in a while to do some damage, but he had to keep running back out.  I obsessively kept Mambo x2 on Maz this time, never letting either drop.  As Charybdis' HP dropped slowly, I grew more and more nervous.  Near the end, Calekor arrived on WHM and made me feel a little safer.

Finally, Charybdis went down and I was rewarded with a Joyeuse!  :D

The FFXI Version Update was on Monday, coupled with the release of the second mini-expansion, A Moogle Kupo d'Etat.  I spent most of this week Campaigning on DNC and running around doing the first 8 missions of MKdE.  I stopped at 8, after doing the side quest to obtain a Sahagin Key (spending 35k on AH for a Norg Shell and 3 Mythril beastcoins), to wait for others so we could go through the Ornamental Door together.  On Wednesday I helped Berri's group with Nyzul, successfully climbing 11~15, but then falling short of reaching floor 20.
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