May 08, 2009 12:06
Friday, 5/1: Limbus, got 4 ABCs. Then, a fun XP PT (on my DNC) with Xedrik, Katrel, Alelia, Hinoken, and Francis in Boyahda.
Saturday: Miscellaneous Campaign Battles on DNC. Ranked up to Wings of Honor (Windurst allegiance). Then, XP PT on DNC, level sync 50. Ding'd DNC 68.
Sunday: DnD during the day. At night, succeeded in beating "A Nation On the Brink" WotG mission with Francis, Katrel, Xedrik, Hinoken, and another person I forgot (reward: Jeuno Flag).
Monday: Limbus, got 3 ABCs.
Tuesday: Completed quests "Burden of Suspicion", "Perils of the Griffon", and "Storm on the Horizon" (parts of Sandy and Bastok WotG questlines). All cutscenes. Then, ENM Pulling the Strings on COR again. I won, at least (the moblin didn't roll anything great for either me or the mob). Once again, absolutely no drops. Now 0/3 on Corsair Bullets.
Wednesday: Sky: Farmed 1 Despot, 1 Mother Globe. Fought 1 Byakko, 1 Suzaku.
Thursday: Dynamis - Jeuno. Got BRD feet on rot.
Bleh... I felt crappy last night. I had a childish bad mood... I was jealous that 2 RDM legs relics dropped, but I lost on both (I had it listed as primary rot). I should be happy that Francis got one of them (and Phiera got the other) but RDM was my first "main" job, and still is one of my two mains... I guess it just felt bad that so many dropped in one run, and I was shut out. In last week's Bastok run, 1 RDM piece dropped but I couldn't lot, since I had already won my secondary lot (DNC head). Last night, I had the 2nd highest lot on the first drop (Francis won it); Francis even offered to pass and let it drop to me, but I said no. I mean, yeah I want the piece, but not like that. Is that bad? o.o;