Bot scraping

Oct 03, 2023 11:27

I wasn't expecting a lot of attention to be paid to my Not exactly back - but nearly there post. Given my long absence, I was a trifle concerned that my journal would resound with the wind-blown eerieness of rolling tumble weed.

Happily, folk popped by - even some I didn't know. Which was nice.

But then I was informed that lj_top15_noncyr had reposted my entry without so much as a by your leave. 'My', I thought, 'that's a bit forward'. So I checked out Lj user lj_top15_noncyr and it turns out it's a bot account (or possibly Father Christmas' little elves weedling their time away in the off-season), So I subscribed to see what else it was picking up. And mostly, it has to be said, it's ohnotheydidnt style celebrity-obsessed dross.

But one or two things have popped up which have piqued my interest, the yuletide_admin post for instance, which led me to discovering Yuletide has an AO3 collection. (If I already knew that, I'd forgotten it - and if I didn't, I should have guessed it!)

Anyhoo, not sure how long my fascination with seeing random rubbish pop up in my friends feed will last - but I have now subscribed to Yuletide because I love the idea of obscure fandoms having a community, even if it's only at Christmas...

random slices of life

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