Not exactly back - but nearly there

Sep 26, 2023 16:30

Bit of a sad day to resurrect myself but after much anguish (and completely rebuilding this computer - I'm afraid my hard drive and anything on it is likely irretrievable) - and spending two days with a professionally qualified IT bod (whom happily was prepared to settle for payment by chocolate) I have access to LiveJournal once again.

It's been a very sad 18 months with no IT at all except that which I could beg, borrow or steal. And no means of playing all the lovely vids I have - not to mention the DVDs...

I'm now trying to work out what I have lost off the defunct hard drive, for which there is very little hope. I'm hoping I rescued almost everything before it died - but time will tell.

Anyhoo, my life is hectic beyond belief until the New Year, but I am hoping to at least drop by as I used to do to see what Bodie loveliness ali15son has posted (so missed that) and to see where tinturtle is at with the latest turtley Bingo - I managed to see some posts by Googling on borrowed IT but, alas, couldn't comment.

Anyhoo, if anyone is still around, do feel free to drop by and say hello. And for those who care about such things - I hope to be scribbling and posting semi-regularly from the New Year.

I also hope to pop by the mfu_canteen, if that's still a thing, and I still have posting rights, to commiserate with everyone.

the man from u.n.c.l.e, random slices of life, art

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