Mr Kapusta and Tomorrow is Another Year...

Jan 20, 2019 21:05

At the beginning of the year Mr Kapusta (aka Lj) sent me an invitation illustrated with a disgruntled looking cabbage (I'm assuming that's not Mr Kapusta):

This is apparently my Lj year:

Whilst (and hopefully more on that later) I don't give a fig about subscribers - my Lj life reflects the sad reality of my real life - work, sleep, repeat. As a result of this I made a New Year's resolution, I don't often make those - life in general is far too chaotic - but I have decided 'no more'.

Unfortunately work decided 'more' - so January is a write off. At first I was a bit down in the dumps about this - but after a chat with my boss, we are on a united crusade about 'no more' - so now I feel just as exhausted as before - but more optimistic.

In order to give form to my 'no more' I have stolen an idea from the always missed moonlightmead. MLM decided somewhere to list her WIP on Lj and cross it through as she completed - I would link to it, but I can't now find that post.

My list doesn't just include fic because I'm hoping it will keep me strong in the battle against 'more'.



Be grateful you have a job, but never lose another year to exhaustion - always have evenings and weekends to yourself to do all the practical and fun things that make a life your own.


Read more fic (noblesentiments andmfu_shortstorie)
Something for WT by June
Optional - Complete (or nearly complete) WIP for Pros BB by July (Pros)
Complete 'Park/Hotel' (MFU)
Complete 'MIA' (MFU)
Complete 'Once Upon a Time Affair' serial (MFU)
Complete 'Old Corpses' (Pros)
Complete 'Action Squad' (Pros)
Complete 'WNGWJLEO' (Pros)
Optional - Complete 'Virtue' (Pros)
Optional - Complete 'On A High and Windy Hill' (Pros)
Optional - Complete 'Crosshairs' (Pros)
Optional - Complete one ST WIP (ST:TOS)
Optional - Complete Bingo squares (MFU & Pros)
Find out if pros_wip is still a thing


Sort out fic folders and other transfers from old computer
Sort out back up
Sort out spreadsheets (don't ask)
Archive non-archived stories
Sort out a place to store piccies on-line
Optional - finish indexing WTF (now there's an serendipitous acronym!)
Optional - Proslib CD


Read the ones you have!
Aim to clear at least one Zinedom Volunteers zine per weekend

Lj, debates and other stuff:

Find more time for Lj and try to comment on everyone's posts
Post more questions to Lj
Find time for picowrimo
Find more time for cheerleading jantojones' Adipose crusade (hope hooking up in Cardiff becomes a thing)
Catch up with kelpercomehome's South American adventures
Write a proper Letter of Comment for 'A Balcony and a View of the Sea'
Post another 30/31 days of fanwork (and update Lj tags accordingly)

Remember to update this post

the man from u.n.c.l.e, star trek, mr kapusta, the professionals

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