"With a belly full of cheese and ideas, I was all fired up for a nap."

May 15, 2007 20:50

They say there's lead in the water here.
And Prozac.
Of course, they say there are PCBs in the water in Bloomington.
People seem mostly okay there, though. ...mostly.
Here, however, most people aren't quite fine. Sure, you visit Portland and it's green and beautiful and full of rainbow-colored houses and millions of different flowers everywhere and hippies and hipsters walking down the street together in harmonious indifference.
But after living here for nigh on two years, we've started to notice something.
Something in the news every evening, something we see every time we ride the bus or train or walk down the street.
The people here are barking mad.
Not all of them. Not the tourists or recent transplants. No. But walking down the street every day, they're ...off somehow.
They're yelling at the sky, at you, they're stealing petty things like the handlebars off of bikes, toilet paper from the mall, and the trees out of your yard.
Did I tell you that Jason started landscaping the front yard?
He bought two Japanese Maple trees and at some point in the middle of the night or early morning someone plucked them right out of the ground and walked down the street with them! They left a trail of dirt halfway down the block!
I guess they weren't hungry because they didn't take the potted basil or tomatoes off of the porch.
Tweakers or cheap landscapers.
Sweet Odin's Raven! I wish I had caught them in the act! I have a giant piece of Gouda in the fridge that I know would have made a delightful dent...
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