Hit Again!

Dec 03, 2008 20:26

I got hit by the CARP (Cowardly Anonymous Reveiwer Person) again! Here it is along with my reply:

Morgoth as rapist and as pedophile (which you seem to suggest here) - I can see why one would think of those as evil things, but it's certainly not what I expect to see on a site that touts itself as being 'family-friendly.'

It's overall an intriguing concept for a story, though, to try and tell the 'how' of creation from the point of view of the creators.

Author Reply: Actually I haven't suggested anything of the sort. But if you're so puerile as to think so, don't let me stop you. And how 'family-friendly' is this site when you have stories dealing with torture and such? If you haven't the courage to sign your reviews, don't expect me to answer them. In fact, after this, I will simply delete them without comment. I leave this up for others to read. I'm sure they will have their own opinions about your cowardice and lack of courtesy.


I cannot believe such nonsense as this person has written. Whoever they are, they're obviously sick and apparently have no morals. My mother always said that if you have nothing constructive to say, say nothing. Obviously this person has never heard of that dictum. And why now? Is it because my stories are popular? Is this person deliberately trying to provoke a response from the site administrators to delete my stories based on their so-called observations of what they consider inappropriate material? I don't know. I only wish that the site was set up so that anonymous reviews are unallowed. No one needs that kind of aggravation.

And there is such a thing as private messaging. When a particular chapter of Wars of the Valar went up, one of my readers contacted me privately with her concerns about the content of the chapter. Based on our discussion, I placed a warning and explanation at the beginning of the chapter and we both came away happy. Too bad this anonymous reviewer doesn't have a clue.

So from now on anonymous reviews, however glowingly their comments, will be deleted. Enough is enough. I refuse to give this CARP the further satisfaction of a reply.
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