Mar 01, 2010 23:26
hmm where to begin...
back in November i guess, was when my obsession started. when i realised i really really liked him... when he entered my mind and refused to leave.
Jesus, i already sound like a gushy teenage girl, well folks, if thats bad, it gets worse...
then a few days before valentines day, Joseph started badgering me about who i fancied, because of jess, but that parts another tale, anyways, joe was badgering me bout who i fancied, but i refused to tell him, till Valentines Day...
at which point i decided that if i didnt tell him, i would explode, so i did, at 3 in the morning, when i was awake because i had to travel to Italy (again, another tale) i sent him a simple text saying
'since its valentines day, and since ive finaly plucked up the courage, the guy i like is, well, you'
then i fell asleep. but later, i got a rather lovely and simple text back, saying
'i like you too'
which made me rather happy :)
but then the knob decided to go and lose his phone. what a knob.
but thats not what made me the happiest, what made me happiest was our partialy awkward partialy incredible partialy wierd conversation that took place earlier today, 1st march 2010,,
the majority of the time, when we chat, neither joey or me are serious, so when he said ' can i ask you a serious question' i knew something big was gonna happen...
he aksed me if i meant what i said in my text, and to any of you who know me well, youd know i was, so i told him, then came the awkward wierd incredible conversation,, which basicaly started by him asking me what i wanted from him in regards to a relationship,
so i stumbled all over my words (which is quite a feat when your typing) and said something along the lines of i want what hannah and ryan have got, but without the seeing each other 24/7 thing and somewhere i flung in an 'i love how things are, but i want more, but i canthave sex for aaages cause i cant, ya know' and there was a 'i dont mind if people know' amongst other random shizzle, and by the end of it all, i was more confused about it than i was before.
joseph decided he didnt know what hannah and ryan have, and didnt have a clue by what i meant by more, but neither do i. he did say that sex wasnt an issue till im ready :)
he is so adorable.
aaand, he invited me to go to his birthday thingybob, but i couldnt go
aaand he invited me to his dads fancy party thingo, which im rather excited about, even though its not untill like july or something.
and there was talk of zizzis in town, or pizza and steaakkk, we both like steak, it must be a sign ;)
so anyway, we are 'taking things slow' cause of my inexperience at anything daty or boy related. and im not entirely sure if we are 'going out' or 'seeing each other' or something entirely different, but either way,,
i got me a maan i got me a man i got me a man *sings and does happy dance*
and the man i wanted :)
im so happy. even if he is a knob the majority of the time.
he makes me laugh, and hes so strong, and sweet when he wants to be, and he buys me things :) and he reminds me of Emmet in twilight, hes huuge, but hes strong, and hes good to hug :)
really rather happy fifi xx