transcribed from my real journal, so you know it's lagit

Aug 17, 2010 22:22

I am back from one hell of a rainy camping trip where the tent leaked and just when things seemed to be clearing up the thunder rolled in. My brain, thoroughly soaked from being left in the corner of the leaky tent, has finally dried out. But really, I never left town. The past week I have felt that distinct post trip feeling, though, where things are all back to normal and it's exciting to be home and a part of me feels like I never left.
Processing the past month, with help from an amazing bodytalk healer- and I just feel myself again. I can be productive. I can look a few months down the road and anticipate where I might or at least where I'd like to be. Gosh, does it feel good to be home.

That void, that truly having no clue where I was or what I wanted... terrifying. I feel so grateful that I have rarely felt that. so grateful the void has been filled.
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