Fi's Reading List:
Ingénue by ebonlock - (96k, rated M, mostly just Anthea-centric Gen fic, but non-explicit side dishes of Irene/Anthea, Anthea/Harry and Anthea/OFC make an appearance)
Author's Summary: *Her safe word is 'enough', because as soon as she meets Irene she knows she's never going to need it again.*
Author's Notes: Inspired by the last few minutes of "A Scandal in Belgravia" that left me scratching my head and mumbling, "What, seriously?" I came up with my own solution that made a bit more sense to me and that led me to my other obsession: figuring out just where Anthea came from and how on earth she ended up working for The British Government himself.
My thoughts: Don't let the pairings throw you off if that's not your thing. This whole story is really just an Anthea-centric retelling of canon from a few years prior to A Study in Pink, running through the conclusion of A Scandal in Belgravia. Utterly brilliant. Most of the canon characters make an appearance and all of them are given further depth and dimension through Anthea's eyes. The author fleshes out the complicated interweaving stories of Moriarty and Irene, fitting them seamlessly together in a way that the show could never hope to accomplish within it's time constraints. I've come away from the fic with a rich new headcanon and am SO glad that I read this.
Past, Present & Future by
yalublyutebya - (59k, rated E, John/OMC, unrequited John/Sherlock)
Author's Summary: Sherlock returns after three years to find that things have changed in ways he could never predict. There's a stranger living in 221b and no-one's life is quite the same for it.
My thoughts: Oh my GODS, was this good. I am 110% in this OMC. I love angst, and I love it even more when it's not just the result of people not talking to each other. This fic has a Sherlock that loves so hard, perhaps more deeply and fully than any other canon character. And it's John with a someone else that I don't hate, which is AWESOME! Seriously, go read this. Have tissues on hand, because sad things happen, but it was totally worth it. It's a day later and I still haven't left feedback for the author because I'm still trying to wrap my head around a way to tell them just how much of an impact this story had for me, and do it in a way that's a bit more elaborate than a comment full of keysmash, because that's really how I feel about it.
Trying to Find the In-Between (series) by
NoStraightLine - (12k, rated E, John/Sherlock) Author's Summary (first part): John survived medical school, Afghanistan, and getting shot. Instigating a relationship with Sherlock Holmes may be the death of him. My thoughts: A juicy look at how raw John and Sherlock can rub the tender spots on each other's hearts. Sexy as hell, with a heavy dose of emotional involvement as they determine the difference between what they each think they want and what would truly make them both happy. Add in a heavy dose of discovering just how much greater life can be when they let the other in.
Nothing to Make a Song About by
emmagrant01 - (37k, rated E, John/Sherlock)
Author's Summary: When Sherlock returned from his faked death, John could not forgive him for the deception and broke off their friendship. Ten years later, John returns to London in search of yet another new beginning. Sherlock, not surprisingly, is waiting.
My thoughts: I love how this is a story about older men falling in love. The ten years that they've lost is really felt, and it burns. This is a fic where Sherlock's emotions run deep and he's willing to suffer all the emotional pain in the world for whatever bit of himself that John is willing to share.
The Stars Move Still by BeautifulFiction - (k, rated , John/Sherlock)
Author's Summary: "What could I want so desperately that would make me sell my soul? What could possibly compel me to surrender the part of myself that makes me who I am: the source of my magic, my self-control, everything?"
My thoughts: Demons and magic, Oh My! Beautiful world building and a very engaging story of love, sacrifice for that love, and Sherlock and John prooving to the world that they are greater than the sum of their parts.
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