Title: 'A Big, Big Love'
Fandom: Skins, Series 5
Subject: Rich/Grace, romantic pairing
Genres of music: Alternative, Rock, Pop, Indie, Folk
Warnings: None, really
Disclaimer: None of this is mine except for the cover art.
Notes: A collection of 18 songs that I enjoy and that make me think of Rich/Grace (or any romance, really). Hope you enjoy the mix!
download: The fic:
Title:'A Big, Big Love
Author: finurtchel
Rating: PG-13 (just in case)
Warnings: a little sad..
Disclaimer: I do not own Skins or the songs.
Summary: Follows a linear format, is told in sections alongside each song in the fanmix, exploration of Rich and Grace's romantic story; doesn't really relate to the plot of the series; it's only snapshots of little moments.
Author's Comments: I really hope you enjoy reading it alongside the fanmix. I only wrote it tonight, so it's maybe a little rough and maybe it won't make sense to anyone, but anyway I hope you like it and if not, I hope you just like the fanmix. Please comment, I would really appreciate it and all mistakes, if any, are only mine.
cut to my lj:
a big, big love