Title: Seatbelt (Epilogue)
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Disclaimer: not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
Criminal Minds Main List Chapter 1/2 Chapter 2/2 “One more whine and I’ll sic Clooney on you.” Reid groaned.
“I’m not whining!” Morgan whined from the couch. “I’m seriously injured,
I need some TLC.”
“I can deal with that, but you’ve apparently regressed back to your five year
old self.You got a bite in your leg and a bump in your head, you’re not about
to die!”
“You don’t know that! My head injure could be a lot more severe than they
“You’re speaking coherently. Are you dizzy?”
“Can you form cohesive though patterns?”
“Are you feeling any nausea?”
“Do you have a headache?”
“Then take a painkiller and stop whining. You got a little bump, not a
brain injury.”
“It could get worse!”
“If you keep going like that it will get worse, because you’ll have to sleep in
the guest room.”
“You’re kicking me out of my own bed?”
“Waterbeds can be tricky for a person who may have a head injure, and it
may cause nausea. Did you know that the word nausea comes from Greek,
Nautia, and it originally simply meant seasickness? The meaning later expanded.”
“You just said I’m not sick!”
“And you insisted you are. We can’t take risks with a potential head injury.”
“So you want me to sleep alone in the guest room?”
“You can take Clooney with you. Several studies have showed that canines are
often capable of detecting turns for the worse with patients.”
“What is this, Lassie? You just want to punish me!”
“Morgan.” Reid exclaimed. “I don’t mind taking care of you and getting you
blankets and bringing you food or drink, or changing a bandage for your leg,
but I have to reassess my capabilities as a caretaker when you act like a
whiny child.”
“I got bit by a dog, I hit my head, and my eighty-something neighbour saw me
naked, I have a right to whine!”
“Yes, to a certain amount. You filled your quota two hours ago.”
Morgan looked at him like a petulant mule. “If I shut up now…. Can I sleep in
my own bed?”
“With you?”
“Okay, I’ll shut up.”
“Thank you.”