Fic: Bought and Paid For, Chapter 11/11 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko, NC-17)

Jun 05, 2010 18:42

Title: Bought and Paid For, Chapter 11/11
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always welcome.

CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9  
Interlude & Chapter 10

Summary: Ryan Wolfe is a CSI working on a murder case. Eric Delko is a man of different vocation. A dead man brings them together.

PS: Despite the title, this is NOT a slave fic or anything similar. The meaning of the title becomes clear during the story, but it’s not what it sounds like.


Ryan snapped the seatbelt off and tilted his head back against the headrest. The sun was beaming through the windshield and he enjoyed the warmth for a minute. His final check-up had been long and awkward, but had produced the wanted all clear, which meant he would be able to return to work when his medical leave ended. Ryan grinned and pulled the paperwork from his bag to take another look at it.

The convalescent had been long and painful, but looking back it hadn’t been a total waste of time. It had given him and Eric time to get used to living together and now after five weeks they had settle into a comfortable routine. Ryan had tried to get used to having Eric around, while Eric had tried to get used to living with him and working normal hours at his new job. So far everything had gone relatively smoothly, excluding the incident with Eric’s hair. He had tried to remove the traces of his old “professional look” and had gotten rid of his previous working clothes. To top it off, he had tried to dye his hair to a shade that would fit his occupation as a scuba diving instructor. Unfortunately, the shade called “Beach bum Blond” didn’t react well, when the owner of the dyed hair spent several hours in sea water teaching a beginning group, and his hair had turned into a bright shade of green. After few disastrous attempts to get the colour back to normal, he had simply shaved his hair off and threatened to get some biker gear to complete the look.

Ryan scanned through the medical jargon and reached the recommendation. Light lab work for the first three weeks, but at this point Ryan couldn’t have cared less. He had missed being in the lab and working on cases. Someone else would have to do the legwork, but at least he would have better things to do than lay on the couch and plan a surprise attack for the time they would finally take their co-habitation to the sexual zone. The decision to postpone all kinds of pleasurably activities between the sheets until Ryan was cleared for duty, had turned out to be frustrating and more than little bit annoying.

He got out of the car, locked it and walked to the front door. His mind was quickly becoming focused on the scenario where he threw Eric over his shoulder, carried him to bed and ripped his clothes off. The little fantasy came to a screeching halt, when he remembered that heavy lifting was still prohibited. The physical therapy had done wonders for his mobility, but the long medical leave had taken its toll on muscle strength, so that fantasy would have to wait.

Finally he reached the door of his apartment and tried to straighten out the wrinkled paper. He had told Eric in the morning about his check-up, but he wasn’t sure if the man had remembered what it meant. Ryan opened the door and walked in with the paper in his ready, fully ready to provide physical evidence of his return to heath.

Two steps later a solid body tackled him to the floor and started ripping his cloths off.


“I gotta tell you something…” Eric gasped and stared at the ceiling. The little fan on the nightstand was aimed at the bed, but the cool breeze on his sweaty skin didn’t do anything to his state. His libido seemed to still on the roll of three hours in bed, but most of his body was too tired to co-operate. “When I said you could make some money in my old business… I was totally right.”

“Thanks.” Ryan groaned, He turned to lay on his side, so he could look at his bed mate. “Are you okay?”
“I’m kinda like your car…”
“My car?”
“Yeah… got so read ended that my trunk is out of order for a while.”
“Thanks for reminding me. You’re never driving my car again.”
“It wasn’t my fault-”
“Do I need to call a mechanic to fix your trunk to get you to shut up for a while?”

“I need a distraction…” Eric complained and send a bitter glare down to his perky member. “Flesh and spirit are willing, but the rest needs a break.”
“I can see that.” Ryan grinned and slid a finger down the man’s chest. “Maybe we could work around your sore spots?”
“Someone suggest that to me once and I ended up mooing like a cow and wearing a PVC corset.”
“Do I need to hunt him down and kill him?”
“No, he paid extra for that. It was kinda fun.”
“Don’t tell me-”
“Not fun as in “it was so good I wanna do it again”, more like “it was harmless, it makes a funny anecdote“ kind of fun.”
“Well that wasn’t exactly what I was planning.” Ryan’s hand wrapped around Eric’s cock and gave it a friendly squeeze. “I’m all for switching things around sometimes.”

Eric stared at him, but his mouth seemed to have gone too dry for talking. He nodded and Ryan rolled over to lay on his front, burying his face in the pillow. Eric gathered his strength and pulled himself up, crawling between Ryan’s spread legs. He rubbed the muscles on the man’s back and moved lower. His progress was obviously slow, but Ryan didn’t bother to say anything about it. Eric’s clients hadn’t been very interested in being in the receiving end of the procedure, and his social life outside of work hadn’t been very active. He massaged the firm buttock, sinking his fingers into the muscles.

“You wanna stop here?”
“No! I mean… why would I wanna stop?”
“Because you’re stalling.”
“It’s been a while since I’ve done this, gimme some time.”

“Okay…” Ryan sighed against his pillow, but the melodramatic tone made it sound less than series. “But if you don’t get going soon… I may have to reconsider the offer.” He wiggled his butt against Eric’s hands.

“You wouldn’t.” Eric picked up one of the pillows and Ryan lifted his hips to let him slide it under him. Eric leaned down to look at the man in front of him. Nice shoulders, smooth back… leading down to a lustrious pair of buttocks. “Can I take a minute here for sightseeing? You’re quite a sight from this angle.”
“And I thought you were too fixated on my front to notice…”

Eric pressed a small kiss on the back of Ryan’s tailbone, then moved down to kiss each cheek. His hands cupped the buttocks and pulled them gently apart. Once again Eric slid his fingers across the warm skin. Ryan’s butt was firm, but it had enough flesh on top of the muscle to make it soft and curvy. In the back of his mind Eric decided to take a closer look at the man’s work clothes, because they definitely didn’t bring out the man’s best attributes.

“Eric? You’re zoning again.”
“Sorry, it’s butt-induced haze.” Eric stated and sunk his teeth into the left cheek. “What about you?”
“I could be in a haze you’d actually get going.”
“I mean when was the last time you did this?”
“Can’t remember. Maybe a year.”

Eric nodded. He got comfortable and ran his fingertips over Ryan’s opening, causing the man to let out a faint sound. Eric repeated the motion just to hear that sound again. The sounds Ryan made when he took Eric were low and husky, groans and raspy panting. This sound was softer, a bit like a cat purring. Eric poured some lube to his fingers and circled the entrance, not quite pushing in. Ryan pushed his body against the digits, demanding attention. Eric chuckled and slid one finger in. Ryan pushed against him, and Eric took it as a sign to go on. He added another finger and he could feel Ryan’s body moulding to accommodate him. His fingers found the point of interest inside the man. Ryan’s soft moans returned with a vengeance.

“Too much?”
“Not enough. I’m not a virgin and I’m not your fucking prom date. Get on with it!”
“Are all cops this demanding?”
“I’m not a cop!” Ryan rocked his body against the fingers, taking them all the way in. “I’m a-” His protest ended suddenly with a loud groan, when Eric pulled his digits out. Ryan tilted his head back to see him and send Eric a heated glare.

“Yeah, I know. You’re a CSI.” Eric grabbed a condom from the nightstand and ripped the packet open. “Crime scene investigator.” He rolled the condom gently over his hard-on and  rubbed a dose of lube on it. “You’ve told me that so many times, I could remember it in my sleep.”

He positioned himself against Ryan’s opening and pushed in slowly. The man under him let out few more of his purring moans, and pushed back, slowly rocking against Eric. The tight heat enveloping him was almost too much for Eric. He tried to breathe slowly and keep his moves careful, but Ryan’s soft moaning was proving to be as thrilling as the tight, warm cavern surrounding him. The change in Ryan was so startling it almost pushed him to the edge. When Ryan had taken him, he had been in control, making Eric whimper with pleasure and… Eric had to halt his thought to really consider it. Ryan had made him feel owned. Ryan had taken him in every sense of the word and Eric had been more than willing to surrender.

His offer to let Eric to the reigns was beginning to seem more and more like another sign of ownership. Ryan had taken him, and offered himself in return. Eric moved slowly, enjoying the deep heat surrounding him. He leaned forward, placing his hands on both sides of Ryan’s shoulders and pressed himself against the man’s back. His every move was answered by one of Ryan’s, both moving together in the same rhythm.

Ryan’s moans made Eric’s mind slightly hazy, wrapping him in warm blanket of two warm bodies, soft moans, pleasure… Eric’s whimpered and thrusted fully inside Ryan one more time. The wave of release washed over him as Ryan’s hitched breathing and evening breathing told him they had reached the edge together.

For a long time both men stayed quiet. They simple let their breathing even out, neither one in a hurry to break the physical connection between them.

“Compared to my old job… I like this one better.”
“This is your job now?” Ryan chuckled and twisted his head him.
“Maybe my second job. Working exclusively for just one client.”
“What’s your price tag?”
“I’m really expensive.” Eric kissed the crook of the man’s neck. “But you could pay me with services.”
“I thought I already did.”
“That was just a down payment. Bit like buying a house… it could take years and years to pay it all.”
“Years?” Ryan rolled over to lay on his back and pulled Eric on top of him. “Should we have some kinda payment plan?”
“Sounds good to me…” Eric kissed him on the lips. “Do we have a deal? You’ve already used the product, you can’t take it back.”
“So you’re mine. Bought and paid for?”
“You better believe it.”

show: csi miami, -nc-17, csi miami / series: bought & paid for, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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